Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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raynebc Jul 9, 2015

I was surprised to see FF7 so high in the list, but that price was worth it considering its huge success.

Amazingu Jul 9, 2015

raynebc wrote:

I was surprised to see FF7 so high in the list, but that price was worth it considering its huge success.

I thought it was interesting it apparently cost roughly twice as much as XIII, haha.
Makes you wonder how much the remake is going to cost...

Ashley Winchester Jul 9, 2015

Destiny, a video game in which players travel through the galaxy and battle against random loot tables...

Nice to see some truth in a video game article.

TerraEpon Jul 9, 2015

From what I can tell, that includes entire budget including advertising. Still FF7 being that high seems wrong.

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