Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Princess-Isabela Jul 15, 2008

Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie are coming this fall!!!!!!!!!!!
do you remember stop & swap feature(getting stuff from first game and transferring it over to the tooie? I spent countless hours in hope finding all secrets of stop & swap, but this mode has never been finished on N64), this feature is finally materializing on xbox live arcade!!!

BANJO TRILOGY is coming this year!

truly amazing news.

probably the biggest of all, out of three conferences.

Ryu Jul 15, 2008

I thought it was just the first Banjo.  Hm, now I'm interested since I can get both of these.

XLord007 Jul 16, 2008

Not that I have a 360, but the N64 series pretty much patented the dreaded Rareware "Collectathon" gameplay, so I'll be skipping these.

SonicPanda Jul 16, 2008

Neat. I was thinking about finally tracking those down on the N64, but since this seems to be better (and my N64 pads are limp noodles now), I'll just trick my sister into buying them and borrow her deck.

*mustache twirl*

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