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avatar! Nov 1, 2016 (edited Nov 1, 2016)

I've often wondered why companies don't reimagine classic games, such as the first Castlevania. If one guy, can do something like this, I find it hard to believe that a large company could not produce a "real" release at relatively little expense...

Ashley Winchester Nov 1, 2016

Seems like Konami's too busy making crap like Metal Gear Survive. I can wait until that thing freaking flops.

XISMZERO Nov 2, 2016

We have reached an age in gaming where I forsee fan-made and Kickstarter-like projects eclipse traditional game companies' efforts. Why? Because fans know what they want and can develop what they like now without companies weighing cost against the end product. Passion for development can exist in a world of companies milking the average gamer with DLC. Fans want these sprite-based platformers again (see: Odallus). Fans have proven their passion can serve a market unimpressed with companies who don't care about their fans anymore (Konami) and are too lazy to innovate by recycling a lazy old cartoon engine from 2002 (Breath of the Wild). Licensing is the only hurdle left. Hell, we've seen fans make a better Sonic game than Sonic Team has in 15 years. This should be embarrassing to game companies like SEGA who have lost that power.
Furthermore, this is where Nintendo needs to go with Zelda not that overhyped wide-open world Wind Waker shit we're actually getting. Fanboys are too busy wanking over the next Zelda to realize Nintendo is shorting us again with another crappy GameCube console that will underperform with games, third-party support and graphics while hiding behind "innovation" that will appeal to the Wii Bowling/Angry Birds/Minecraft crowd.

brandonk Nov 2, 2016

Great comments Xim...

As for Castlevania remake, yeah it's a bit disappointing but we are niche fans with most kickstarter projects. 

Of course, if they were Falcom, they would make the same game every few years (soooo many remakes of Ys), but they are a small company that obviously appreciates the artistry aspect of what they create.

This 'hold back the tech', is not exclusive to Nintendo...just look at Apple's recent disappointing product release of their new Macbook pro's (touch bar on a device that is usually closed?? if it's so innovative, where are the stand alone keyboards).  But Sony and Microsoft do the same thing.

I did bite the bullet and bought a Ps4pro, I figure this is the best you can get for now along with PSVR.  Even though I won't get a 4k Tv anytime soon.

Anyway - I love my retro shit as it reminds me of a simpler time...the way the companies are sludging through the future tech is disappointing.   

And if I see an exclusive Castlevania for Xbox Scorpio...I will be pissed!

Ashley Winchester Nov 2, 2016

brandonk wrote:

Anyway - I love my retro shit as it reminds me of a simpler time...the way the companies are sludging through the future tech is disappointing.

This. I pretty much love the retro stuff I have even though I don't touch it much. I've honestly given up on anything relatively recent - I don't see the point of bothering anymore. Again, don't want to imply everything old is great and everything new sucks, but I'm just glad not to be in the game loop anymore. It's nice no to care about "dem dare framerates" or any other dreck.

Hell, the only reason I've went into a gamestore (a Gamestop) recently was to preorder an amiibo which I just use as shelf candy.

The NES Classic Edition looks cool, but I know I'd buy it and never touch it, so no on that one.

The only thing that will get me to drop money on a game is if Blizzard announced Diablo II HD.

avatar! Nov 3, 2016

Furthermore, this is where Nintendo needs to go with Zelda not that overhyped wide-open world Wind Waker shit we're actually getting. Fanboys are too busy wanking over the next Zelda to realize Nintendo is shorting us again with another crappy GameCube console that will underperform with games, third-party support and graphics while hiding behind "innovation" that will appeal to the Wii Bowling/Angry Birds/Minecraft crowd.

Yeah, nice hyperboles smile
You're entitled to your opinion of course, but some of us really enjoyed Wind Waker and I personally don't think Zelda should look like Skyrim. I do agree that Nintendo needs to develop games that are not just casual, but since when have Zelda games been "casual"? That said, if Nintendo can make a lot of money from casual games, go for it. Hey, Nintendo is a COMPANY, they want to make money. As long as they keep producing some high-quality games, I have no problem with that. Yes, I want them to also have some amazing third-party exclusives. Although exclusivity is primarily a thing of the past, for the most part (sans handhelds).

Amazingu Nov 3, 2016

Furthermore, this is where Nintendo needs to go with Zelda not that overhyped wide-open world Wind Waker shit we're actually getting. Fanboys are too busy wanking over the next Zelda to realize Nintendo is shorting us again with another crappy GameCube console that will underperform with games, third-party support and graphics while hiding behind "innovation" that will appeal to the Wii Bowling/Angry Birds/Minecraft crowd.

Wow, so much salt.

I agree with avatar. This is just, like, your opinion man.
I don't want a super-realistic Zelda game. The series has NEVER been about realism or realistic graphics.
Also from what I've heard, pretty much everyone who's actually played Breath of the Wild says it's a great game, so I'm not too worried that it will be "shit". Maybe it's not what YOU want, but it's impossible to please everyone.
I don't give a crap about the graphics as long as the game is fun.
It's gamers who keep whining about every game NEEDING state-of-the-art graphics that are running this industry into the ground, if you ask me.

That said, third-party support is definitely going to be an issue with the Switch, I think even the staunchest Nintendo fanboy will admit that, so let's hope Nintendo has finally learned their lesson. I'm not getting my hopes up too high though.

Zorbfish Nov 3, 2016

Furthermore, this is where Nintendo needs to go with Zelda not that overhyped wide-open world Wind Waker shit we're actually getting. Fanboys are too busy wanking over the next Zelda to realize Nintendo is shorting us again with another crappy GameCube console that will underperform with games, third-party support and graphics while hiding behind "innovation" that will appeal to the Wii Bowling/Angry Birds/Minecraft crowd.

Am I the only one who felt a little sick watching that video in motion? Why does it seem like lately the more graphically powerful and vivid a game looks the more motion blur is applied to it.

And back to the original topic, I think we all know the answer to this. If Konami released something like the linked video they would probably be flamed into oblivion more than they already are

The_Paladin Nov 3, 2016

There are tons of great games I like on it, but it is kind of annoying seeing everyone using the Unreal engine for everything.

Amazingu Nov 3, 2016

Zorbfish wrote:

Am I the only one who felt a little sick watching that video in motion? Why does it seem like lately the more graphically powerful and vivid a game looks the more motion blur is applied to it.

It didn't make me feel sick, but it did have an annoying shaky camera effect that was hard not to notice.
I have no idea why people think that's a good idea.

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