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XLord007 Sep 13, 2009

Looks like Konami's next ReBirth title will be a Castlevania game.  Especially interesting is that this title is more specific in that it says "The Adventure."  Is this a remake of the nigh-impossible first GB Castlevania offering?  If so, will it acutally be beatable this time around? … to-wiiware

Daniel K Sep 13, 2009

Meh, if its a remake of the Castlevania Adventure they really have to re-do it from the bottom up, since the original sucked so badly (although I don't remember it being hard, and with 4 short stages it was over very quickly).

If its a remake, at least we might get the soundtrack rearranged. The original game had great music, I actually think the first stage theme "Battle of the Holy" is the best first stage theme in the series (which is saying a lot). That track just drips that old-school gothic Castlevania mood.

XLord007 Oct 28, 2009

Lots more video now that the game is out in Japan.  Game looks hard, btw (although the 1-up preview says it has an easy mode and a lives select): … 9?type=wmv … 0?type=wmv … 1?type=wmv … 8?type=wmv

This last one is basically the whole game on You Tube, so I didn't watch it, but here it is if you want to see: … 3331.phtml

Ashley Winchester Oct 29, 2009

You know, in today's world, I shouldn't find it odd I have to sit through a condom advertisement to watch a game play video of a Castlevania game, yet I somehow do. It kinda goes with the Vampire Killer whip and the "limp whip" though...

Speaking of those new Ecstasy condoms, there sold out at a lot of the stores I go to, someone in town must be doing a lot of &^$%'n

I guess such commercials are better than seeing a site like gamestop decked out and smeared with advertisements for the armed forces. It's a lot like saying "Hey, if you like SOCOM, you'll LOVE this!"

Dais Oct 29, 2009

it's kind of weird that they used the original Adventure as a (very) loose framework for this game, yet there's no tunes from it. New Messiah is in it, though, along with a fair eclectic selection of other themes.

Jodo Kast Oct 29, 2009

I watched a little bit of each clip, to see if I could recognize the music. I got all of them except for stage 2.

XLord007 Oct 29, 2009

Dais wrote:

it's kind of weird that they used the original Adventure as a (very) loose framework for this game, yet there's no tunes from it. New Messiah is in it, though, along with a fair eclectic selection of other themes.

Yeah, I was kinda hoping they'd be more faithful to the Game Boy game.  The ropes made those games unique, and I was hoping they'd keep the core gameplay but tighten up the controls.  As it stands, it could just be Castlevania ReBirth without any need to reference the Game Boy games at all.

Daniel K Oct 29, 2009

XLord007 wrote:

This last one is basically the whole game on You Tube, so I didn't watch it, but here it is if you want to see: … 3331.phtml

I, on the other hand, have no such scruples (and I don't have a Wii anyway), so I checked out the entire game. Seemed pretty lame and amateurish in it's design initially, but it picked up fast, and overall its a damn good game, pure classic CV gameplay! Levels 3 and 5 were my favourites, they completely nailed that oldskool Castlevania style. Although, as has already been mentioned, it has basically nothing to do with the original GB Castlevania Adventure other than a few parts of stage 3 and some of the enemies (the lack of faithfulness to the original source is a positive aspect in this case, since the original sucked).

Dais wrote:

it's kind of weird that they used the original Adventure as a (very) loose framework for this game, yet there's no tunes from it. New Messiah is in it, though, along with a fair eclectic selection of other themes.

There's one composition from the original in there, "Legend of Dracula" serves as the credits theme, as it also did in the original game. Overall, I'm kind of disappointed about the lack of rearrangements from the original as well as the lack of new tunes (this series is even beginning to feed off itself musically, it seems), but what's there is good enough. I especially liked the new arrangement of "New Messiah", it sounds spot-on.

Hey Dais, if you come across a rip of the music, could you share with us? I like the soundtrack, its short, but sweet. I'm guessing there will be no official OST release (then again, Gradius ReBirth got one, so who knows...).

Jodo Kast wrote:

I watched a little bit of each clip, to see if I could recognize the music. I got all of them except for stage 2.

Its a rearrangement of "Sent to the Devil's Requiem", the ending theme from Haunted Castle. Pretty cool choice, and the melody makes a much better stage theme than ending theme, in my opinion.

Cedille Oct 29, 2009

Jodo Kast wrote:

I watched a little bit of each clip, to see if I could recognize the music. I got all of them except for stage 2.

The ranking theme of Akumajyo Dracula (arcade).

Daniel K Oct 30, 2009 (edited Oct 30, 2009)

Wow, what a pleasant surprise! Thanks a lot, Dais! big_smile

About the ending theme: it seems I confused the two GB soundtracks in that regard (I hang my head in shame), the tune used for the ending is in fact from Castlevania Adventure 2 (its called "The End of the Day"). So there is no music from the original game in this here "remake" after all.

By the way, wasn't this game just released yesterday? And there's already two soundtrack rips floating around? Damn. The internet is great, yeah? smile

absuplendous Oct 30, 2009

It took me checking out the official Japanese site to see if there actually was any reference to the 1989 GB game, since it never really seemed like it was actually supposed to be a remake, just an old-school entry with a generic title. I'm pretty sure the other ReBirth titles aren't supposed to be remakes (even if inspired by one or several particular titles from their franchise), so I was wondering why people keep holding Castlevania up to this expectation. Personally I think it's better off as its own thing, and although I haven't played it myself yet, they appear to have done an excellent job recreating the pre-Metroidvania feel, right down to the awesome synth.

Thanks for directing us to the rips, Dais! Just in time for Halloween...

Daniel K Oct 30, 2009

Virtual Boot wrote:

It took me checking out the official Japanese site to see if there actually was any reference to the 1989 GB game, since it never really seemed like it was actually supposed to be a remake, just an old-school entry with a generic title. I'm pretty sure the other ReBirth titles aren't supposed to be remakes (even if inspired by one or several particular titles from their franchise), so I was wondering why people keep holding Castlevania up to this expectation.

Well, the other ReBirth titles simply used their series' names, "Gradius ReBirth" and "Contra ReBirth". I guess the reason people think this was intended as a remake of the 1989 GB game is: (1) its not generically called "Castlevania ReBirth", but specifically "Castlevania Adventure ReBirth", and (2), there are after all some elements in it from that game (parts of stage 3 and many enemy designs, as I mentioned above).

I have a feeling that what happened was this: it was initially planned to be a remake of the GB Castlevania Adventure, but early into it's development, they noticed the source material sucked so badly that it would be impossible to turn it into a game acceptable by today's standards. So they left a few of the original elements in there, but created an entirely new game in the mold of classic Castlevania gameplay, sure in the assumption that the seven people who actually played and remember the original won't really mind. And as one of them, I for one can say that I don't.

FuryofFrog Oct 31, 2009

The new game looks extremely solid. I was very surprised at the music choices stolen from other CV games especially the opening from SNES DracX.

When I saw the text in the screen shots I kind of assumed it would be kind of a Super CastleVania 4 style remake but the lack of whip brandishing tells me differently. I do enjoy the throwback to the old style though.

Out of everything the only things that truly annoyed me was the lack of Adventure remixes and the synth used for the music in the game. I know its extremely strange but one of the sounds I have so dubbed as the "Ninja Turtle" synth even though it has a greater use than that and it completely throws me off at some points in time. Granted I still like the music but "Ninja Turtle" synth is ever present staring me in the face.

If this does well I hope they decide to upgrade albeit loosely Belmont't Revenge.

brandonk Oct 31, 2009

FuryofFrog wrote:

Granted I still like the music but "Ninja Turtle" synth is ever present staring me in the face.

LOL - yeap, I totally know what you're referring to...I more likened the 'orchestra hit' TMNT sound that you are referring to as a nod to the old Konami late 80's early 90's sound.  I didn't recognize any of the names associated with the sound track, but the game and the sound bank is a definite intentional throw back to video gaming's simpler time..

Also, I cannot believe Konami missed the opportunity to make this available on Halloween in the US.  I'm tempted to soft mod my Wii to play the import.


McCall Oct 31, 2009 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


Sami Nov 9, 2009

The music sounds really great and the action looks good, hope this will be released soon. Really a big surprise... what's next, Parodius Rebirth? (Yes PLEASE!)

Cedille Nov 9, 2009

As posted above, Salamander ReBirth was registered.

Sami Nov 12, 2009

Okay, so when they have Gradius Rebirth and Salamander Rebirth... Parodius Rebirth!

Angela Nov 13, 2009

Sami wrote:

Really a big surprise... what's next, Parodius Rebirth? (Yes PLEASE!)

Why do you toy with my emotions so?

Speaking of, I still haven't gotten a chance to try out Otomedius.  Has anyone else?

brandonk Nov 13, 2009 (edited Nov 13, 2009)

Angela wrote:
Sami wrote:

Really a big surprise... what's next, Parodius Rebirth? (Yes PLEASE!)

Why do you toy with my emotions so?

Speaking of, I still haven't gotten a chance to try out Otomedius.  Has anyone else?

Do we still need to buy a Japanese Xbox to play?  Or is there some creative way around that?  About to buy an 360 after this 'friend invite' fiasco with Modern Warfare 2

Angela Nov 13, 2009

brandonk wrote:

Do we still need to buy a Japanese Xbox to play?  Or is there some creative way around that?

Barring having to jump through some serious modding hoops, it looks like the only easy way to play the game is with a JP 360.

ChrisBrad51 Jul 28, 2010

Wow! That's amazing.. I love to play games a lot...@Daniel K, thanks for posting a link of Nintendo game... I have downloaded it..Is this the latest version? Please let me know..

Dais Jul 28, 2010

Wow, ChrisBrad51, you sure have registered for a lot of forums in the past week!


Like, dozens!


I guess you already know this, though.

*cough cough cough*

And you seem to be asking a lot of people to reply to you! Maybe you're feeling a bit lonely?

*violent coughing fit*

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