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avatar! Aug 5, 2014

"Capcom is basing this new Resident Evil on the 2002 GameCube-exclusive version" … 40008.html

So, can we also expect a remake of Final Fantasy IV soon? I mean, it has been at least a few years since the last Final Fantasy remake was remade. In all seriousness, remakes can be cute, but how about Dragon's Dogma 2...

Ashley Winchester Aug 5, 2014


So instead of actually fixing what's wrong with RE they're just going to clone a game that already works?

Seriously, someone just BUY Capcom already and infuse it with some more capital so we can actually get something fresh that actually involves a degree of risk.

Razakin Aug 5, 2014

I'm glad that they're doing a HD Remaster report remake something of this, as I've never played it. And soon I can, now I just have to wonder if I should get it for PC or PS4, no use to get it for PS3.

Jay Aug 5, 2014

1080p only on next gen consoles and even then the backgrounds will have been made from the SD sources so I have doubts about how HD they'll look. The 16:9 option will be cropped with an optional pan and scan mode but it wasn't designed to be framed that way so I guess I'd stick with 4:3. So then that leaves the characters being the main HD part of this HD remaster. A hard sell if you still have the GC one, which I do.

Still, it's a fantastic version of RE and incredibly atmospheric so it would be hard not to recommend.

Amazingu Aug 5, 2014

Considering this is one of the best games in the series, I'll take it!

avatar! Aug 6, 2014

Amazingu wrote:

Considering this is one of the best games in the series, I'll take it!

It's one of the most important survival horror games ever made, arguably the most important. However, when I played the GameCube version I felt the game showed its age (and that was years ago). Sure, the graphics were great. However, it certainly was not amazing on most any level. The controls were still horrible, although they did at least fix the voice acting

The game might sell well, but that's because of nostalgia. Just like when Square releases yet another Final Fantasy remake, it's purchased mostly by people because "that's like, may favorite game ever, and it was like, it's like, you know, like, amazing"...
While such games were great at the time, they really don't age well.

Ashley Winchester Aug 6, 2014

avatar! wrote:

The controls were still horrible...

If you read up on the remake you'll find the controls may not be an issue anymore.

vert1 Aug 6, 2014 (edited Aug 6, 2014)

Jay wrote:

So then that leaves the characters being the main HD part of this HD remaster. A hard sell if you still have the GC one, which I do.

The word is that Capcom lost the REmake assets or source code (no archives being a common Japanese game industry practice), ripped the files from the game disc, and then upscaled them. The latter part was confirmed with comparison shots of REmaster HD shots to Dolphin shots. The Gamecube version will continue being the definitive version. There are too many irritating changes that ruin the graphics (i.e. crushed blacks) & presentation.

avatar! wrote:

The controls were still horrible

You not liking the controls does not mean the controls are horrible. They are perfectly designed to match the corridor environment (2D environment); you're not doing anything that the tank controls (2D movement) would make frustrating. If the game took place on a race track where you had to go around repeatedly in a loop then yes performing repeated turns would make the Biohazard controls undesirable.

As someone pointed out Capcom is including a non-tank control scheme. I'm sure they'll hear complaints if you can't move and shoot despite there being little wiggle room to serve a point. They'll hear an old complaint become more prominent when players play with the "liberated" control scheme: the camera angle change that accompanies entering a new still will complicate readjusting movement -- it used to be straight (2D) forward movement w/minimal veering, and now turning around will be immediate and moving forward will have a wide veering range which can (and will) cause wider range of readjusting (will feel unnatural and decrease immersion). -- Hopefully they'll tinker around with the engine to prevent all that.

Capcom will probably use this game's sales to gauge whether a remake of RE2 is feasible.

GoldfishX Aug 6, 2014

RE controls are a touchy subject. I hated them in RE1 and what little I played of RE2 and Code Veronica and then that was the end of me caring about the series. For behind the back camera, fine. For the perspective of RE, it's clunky and hard to control. Needless to say, I started caring about Capcom a lot less when they became the "Resident Evil Company" in the PS1/PS2 eras.

Anyway, Capcom needs the funds. I'm not at all surprised to see them going down this route. At least its better than their corporate strategy of milking DLC.

XLord007 Aug 10, 2014

If Capcom wants me to buy any of the old RE games, it will need to actually remake them with the controls and camera of RE4. They can remaster all they want, but I just don't have the patience for the old style.

avatar! Jul 10, 2016

Capcom once again revives Resident Evil...

Looks like the following have been released on the PS4

Resident Evil 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, Revelations 2

ALL of the games were previously released on older gen systems. I guess I can't really blame Capcom for milking their product. After all it's been a while since they actually came up with a new and interesting game (that would be Dragon's Dogma, released in 2012 -now a normal company seeing the excitement about such a game would invest time and resources into a sequel which could have been huge... but Capcom of course said "oh hey, it's been two months since we released an ugraded Street Fighter, better get to work!" hmm
Anyway, any of the RE worth playing? I've only played Resident Evil 1 on the GameCube. It was fun. Horrible controls though. Oh, and apparently there have been complaints about RE5 … ne-and-ps4

Lastly, what exactly happened to RE 2 and 3?

Amazingu Jul 10, 2016

avatar! wrote:

Lastly, what exactly happened to RE 2 and 3?

2 is supposedly getting a full-blown remake, like RE1 on Gamecube.
Nobody ever asked for more of RE3 though wink

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