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Qui-Gon Joe Apr 18, 2008

Okay, I kind of feel like an idiot because I haven't been able to find the answer to this question online.  Anyway, I've read people complaining about the kind of cases used in one of the European regions for DS games.  I also seem to recall hearing that the UK and mainland EU get different cases.  Can anybody clarify this for me?  I've always been curious.

(I doubt any of them will be stranger than those bizarre blue European Dreamcast cases...)

Jay Apr 19, 2008

I have DS games from just about every main region so I'll dig a few out and compare but the differences must be pretty subtle as I've never really noticed.

paranoidsponge Apr 19, 2008

The casing is transparent, white coloured and larger in width, height and depth. Which means it does not match the American cases T_T I bought Phoenix Wright in France before the American version reprint since it was so rare...

Here is an French eBay auction showing Hotel Dusk: … dZViewItem

Jay Apr 19, 2008

Yeah, the ones I have are transparent (not sure transparent can be white or otherwise) and thicker. But they are no bigger on any other dimension so they stack beside the US cases just fine.

paranoidsponge Apr 19, 2008

Yes, Jay is correct, I was recalling the sizes from memory.

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