Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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The_Paladin Jan 27, 2014

Not sure if anyone here did pick up the physical soundtrack, but I've run into a problem and I'm not sure if it is only my copy or if it is a printing error.  Was playing disc 2 and when it got to track 16 it starts fine and then goes haywire skipping then crashing the player, track 17 will not play and toying with them locked my cd drive up until I shut down my PC.  I was getting it still sealed, upon inspection now after the reboot I see a little circular mark along the outer rim of the cd and some little scuffs on the cd itself. I really don't like the idea of having a cd that will not play regardless of them having put up the whole album for download, so looking for info/suggestions.

longhairmike Jan 28, 2014

sounds like your copy is imbalanced,, or ruined...

XLord007 Jan 28, 2014

My copy works fine, so I think yours is defective. You could try asking for an exchange or getting one of those disc resurfacing gadgets.

The_Paladin Jan 28, 2014

Yeah, next step is trying to resurface it and see if it fixes the problem, which I really hope it does because looking at all the people saying they have yet to get their copies I don't know getting a replacement will be so easy...

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