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Adam Corn Aug 5, 2014 (edited Aug 7, 2014)

I've been curious about this one ever since the somewhat non-conventional first trailer and am happy to say the end product turned out well. It's not as well-made as The Winter Soldier but my fondness for this sort of sci-fi space opera made up the difference.

It covers all the prerequisite action and effects fairly well but by far its strongest area is the lighthearted and witty script. Writer-director James Gunn seems adept at realizing exactly the sort of dialog and scenarios that would threaten to be cliche and changing them into something amusing instead.

It also has two of my favorite scenes from the year thus far - one effects-based and one purely dialog.

Jay Aug 7, 2014

I saw it tonight and absolutely loved it. I found it had so much heart along with very strong comedy elements so I got really attached to the characters. I tend to enjoy most of the Marvel movies and felt Winter Soldier was especially strong but I find I watch them as sort of 'along for the ride' type movies. Whereas Iron Man 3 I found myself getting more attached to the more human story and with this one, while completely different and over the top crazy, I really loved the characters and felt more of an emotional bond. That's not an easy thing in a 'splosion movie.

I did feel the villains were very weak and weren't in any way a step above typical Saturday morning cartoon fare but that was probably my only negative. I loved the main characters with Rocket and Groot in particular stealing many scenes, although Drax probably had my favourite moment in the movie. The music was great, it looked pretty awesome and I loved that it totally embraced the sci-fi/fantasy of it all in a completely unapologetic way. Yep, really loved it.

XLord007 Aug 10, 2014

I really enjoyed it, and it's probably my favorite of the Marvel Universe movies so far. I liked that it was more like a Star Wars movie and less like a superhero movie. Highly recommended.

raynebc Aug 10, 2014 (edited Aug 10, 2014)

I was surprised how much I enjoyed it, and it may have become my favorite Marvel movie as well, due to the ever-present comedy.

Amazingu Aug 10, 2014

I keep hearing nothing but praise for this movie, so I'm excited to check it out, but I'll have to wait until September 13 at the earliest because Japan.
Much of my excitement comes from hearing everyone say it's so funny, which is the main reason The Avengers is still my favorite movie from the bunch.

I did just get round to watching CA Winter Soldier and X-men Days of Future Past, though.
Winter Soldier was okay, but failed to really capture me because I just don't like Captain America or Black Widow very much, but X-men was great!
Would've liked it to be the final movie in the series, but that ain't happening of course.

jb Aug 11, 2014

Amazingu wrote:

Winter Soldier was okay, but failed to really capture me because I just don't like Captain America or Black Widow very much, but X-men was great

Pretty much how I feel, I really loved X-Men Days of Future Past. I feel like they fixed everything wrong with the sloppy previous versions (which I still very much enjoyed, but definitely had glaring issue).

Guardians of the Galaxy was just great, though.  A refreshing bit of comedy in the Marvel universe that holds up surprisingly well, overall.

Jodo Kast Aug 11, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy is so far my favorite of the entire universe of comic book movies.

raynebc Sep 28, 2014

I'm more of a fancy ghosts person.

Amazingu Sep 29, 2014

Watched this last week.
It was good, and definitely one of the better Marvel flicks, but it still doesn't hold a candle to The Avengers as far as I'm concerned.

vert1 Sep 29, 2014

Two of my friends refuse to shut up about this movie. In fact they've been quoting it non-stop whenever I see them. I find that it's best to use a little bit of distance by way of time to forget the quotes and enjoy it anew later on (i.e. DVD release). I started to feel the same way about Chappelle Show for a bit if I missed an episode and some kid yammered on about it to every person he could make eye contact with in high school.

Christopher Pratt seems to be on a roll landing these good light-hearted movies. He really did a good job in Cabin in the Woods which I saw.

Jay Sep 30, 2014

I think you might be thinking of a different Chris. Unless he had a tiny role in Cabin in the Woods and I missed it?

vert1 Sep 30, 2014

Woops. You're right. Chris Hemsworth was in Cabin in the Woods.

I mean they like this movie so much they even played a song from the soundtrack on the way to another movie. I guess I feel the same way about that as most people felt when I put on vgm in public. heh. Some of the stuff they quoted made the movie sound like it was R-rated.

Ashley Winchester May 8, 2015

Saw this last night and yeah, I have to give it a thumbs up.

I was impressed how brisk the movie feels. It doesn't drag it's feet much and is over before you know it.

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