Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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kevin_der_deutsche Feb 28, 2007

Can anyone tell me how good the Gundam Wing soundtracks are? I'm in the regrettable position of buying them, only because they're cheap. But if they're 'just OK' I won't bother.


Idolores Feb 28, 2007 (edited Feb 28, 2007)

In response to your question, Gundam Wing's music is definitely good stuff. In particular, I heartily recommend Operation 4 if available. It only has ten tracks, but they're all vocals, mainly with a theme corresponding to a character from the show. My personal favorites are "Wild Wing Boys", "Rythm Emotion" and "Flying Away".

In the end, it all really depends on the listener. I happen to be a big fan of Gundam music (and of Gundam in general), but I know that a lot of people are ambivalent to it. My advice is to go to Galbadia hotel (link below), and download a couple tracks from each of the main TV series OST's and from there, make a decision as to whether it is material you want to spend money on.

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