avatar! Oct 5, 2015
I started ranting on a different thread, so I thought I would share some thoughts on the so-called talented director. To be fair, he gives the audience what they want and he is talented at making money. His work always starts off exciting, but shortly thereafter you begin to realize that it's nonsensical and dumb.
LOST = time traveling island, lots of eye candy (hot actors, special effects), lots of guns, lots of "oh hey, check this out it's cool and shocking" moments, completely stupid, oh and "love is the answer"
Fringe = time traveling people, some eye candy, lots of guns, lots of "oh hey, check this out it's cool and shocking" moments, completely stupid, oh and "love is the answer"
Star Trek = time traveling ships, some eye candy, lots of guns, lots of "oh hey, check this out it's cool and shocking" moments, completely stupid, oh and "love is the answer"
After sitting through WAY WAY WAY too much of his stuff, I basically refuse to watch any more. I have had enough needless pain. Life is too short.
I think this guy sums up why Star Wars will ultimately fail
http://twitchfilm.com/2014/01/destroy-a … brams.html
by fail, I mean fail to be anything "good". It will make billions of dollars, rest assured.
Oh, and a crossguard lightsaber... yeah it's an Abrams moment...
http://www.buzzfeed.com/patricksmith/th … lightsaber