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manganzon81 Jan 19, 2013 (edited Jan 19, 2013)

What is it with GameStop?  Is anyone with me in agreeing their whole thing with unsealing a new copy of a game and using it as a "display copy" and selling that copy for full price when it is the last one in stock?

I have always had the worst luck when trying to buy a game from this store.  It is almost always the last one in stock and is always that "display copy". 

The only reason I just bought a game today from them was because they tracked down a copy of the rare Gamestop exclusive game Xenoblade Chronicles for me.  Of course it was a "display copy" and not sealed.  I gave in and just paid the 50 cause anywhere else (amazon, ebay)  this game goes for at least 70 bucks.

I tried to speak up and tell these guys how wrong it is and I get some BS how its visual marketing to display the cover of the game in the store (no duh) and theres no way for them to tell what game the customer is looking for when they're browsing.  Really?  Im not an idiot.  OF course I know that.  But theres a way to do it without unsealing a copy of a new game and selling that copy for full price.  What they SHOULD do is either display the sealed copy with a security tag on it like best buy or get fake cases and xerox copies of the cover of the game.  It's really that simple!

I checked the Xenoblade copy and it all seemed new but still.  I walked out of that store just now feeling gipped somehow.  If it wasn't cause it was Xenoblade being out of print and not a gamestop exclusive I would've NEVER bought it.  I NEVER go into that store.

Just needed to vent. I'm gonna try to forget about it and just enjoy this incredible game! Thanks!

Boco Jan 19, 2013 (edited Jan 19, 2013)

I've had nothing but bad experiences with Game Stop. Their policies are completely awful! I refuse to do business with them anymore. Between Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon, and eBay I have everything I could possibly need. I think Game Stop's days are numbered. I, for one, certainly hope they are. >: (

Ashley Winchester Mar 16, 2015

Yeah... I don't really like Gamestop either... but since I don't buy too many modern games I don't really have to deal with them too much.

I am annoyed at them gutting copies for a display... hate getting the last copy and oftentimes I refuse to take it because of that... and then there's that these copies are sometimes taken home by employees and actually played.

However... if your talking Xenoblade and Gamestop's hand in that crap... yeah, there's actually a lot to that story and it really shows the shady side of the company.

You won't find Xenoblade sealed unless you go online and pay an arm and a leg for it. All those copies Gamestop had were sealed, but they opened them so they could sell them for more than the regular price. Those copies started out at $90. If they were sealed they would have been $50 like they were originally.

avatar! Mar 16, 2015

Ashley Winchester wrote:

You won't find Xenoblade sealed unless you go online and pay an arm and a leg for it. All those copies Gamestop had were sealed, but they opened them so they could sell them for more than the regular price. Those copies started out at $90. If they were sealed they would have been $50 like they were originally.

Interesting. yet the company claims they're innocent and helpful and blah blah. Does anyone really believe them?

Qui-Gon Joe Mar 17, 2015 (edited Mar 17, 2015)

Gamestop IS super shady and I hate almost everything about them, but I still have to thank them for their apparently being instrumental in convincing Nintendo to release Xenoblade here AT ALL.  God has Nintendo of America been the most abysmal of the branches for so long now...

Edit: Do I currently hate Gamestop less than NoA?  I dunno - maybe they can orchestrate an exclusive deal to sell the NON-STUPID HUGE NEW 3DS IN AMERICA.  Grr.  Rage.  Etc.  Okay probably too off topic.

The_Paladin Mar 17, 2015

Oh, since nobody has mentioned this yet, Gamestop will try to charge you tax on game cards.  So, you can get a card for Steam from Best Buy, Target, even 7-11 and no tax but at Gamestop they will sneak it in.  First time it happened was Christmas two years ago and I didn't notice, but a few months back I was going to get just a Steam card and when tax popped up I refused.

Ashley Winchester Mar 18, 2015

I don't know... like everyone else here I genuinely do dislike some of the things Gamestop does/did or doesn't do...

...but in some cases I can't help but feel the hate is kind of overdone in way like the Comcast stuff. If you look at the history of any company you'll probably find something to hate... it's inevitable. Not saying that's an excuse to be (expletive) but it's gonna happen.

For example I don't really believe everything the company I work for says. They say they do something because "they care" but the truth is if there wasn't a regulation or a million watchdog groups waiting for them to screw up they wouldn't bother.

However, I'm sure my patience with Gamestop is kind of high right now since I rarely deal with them anymore. If I was a more regular customer I'm sure I'd be more annoyed.

I think what angers me the most about Gamestop is there over-reliance on pre-orders. I'm with some of the people in the gaming press... I think people should stop pre-ordering things so game developers are actually punished by the sales if the game is a freakin' buggy mess.

The_Paladin Mar 18, 2015

I stopped preordering from Gamestop, not because I don't still preorder games, but unless it's a huge title they will cut off preorders while places like Amazon are still accepting them.  Oh, and also once they told me I'd preordered the limited edition but instead just preordered the regular edition as if someone needs to do that.

Ashley Winchester Mar 18, 2015

Actually, I'm glad we're on the subject of pre-orders. I was told by the one game stop near me (which is now gone because the company they were leasing from wanted more rent and EB said no) that you now had to go online to order the Limited Editions... which is really stupid because like you said if they can't do it at the store what's the freakin point of them even being there?

Was that just a crap line or is that how it's done now?

XLord007 Mar 18, 2015

Ashley Winchester wrote:

which is really stupid because like you said if they can't do it at the store what's the freakin point of them even being there?

This. I tried pre-ordering my New 3DS from them and got the same B.S. response. Why would I order online from the store if I could just do that at home? The whole point of pre-ordering from the store is to get a product on launch day without having to pay for shipping. If GameStop can't provide that service then I have absolutely no use for them.

TerraEpon Apr 15, 2015

So then, we are going to see the triumphant return....of FUNCOLAND.

Ashley Winchester Apr 16, 2015

Anyone see that Gamestop wants to get into the retro game craze now?

I'm sorry, but I don't see that working...

If I had a retro game that was worth anything (and I do) I sure as hell wouldn't sell it to Gamestop for mere peanuts...

Also, I have to laugh at how people on Craigslist and such think the retro consoles are valuable... no, it's the damn games that are valuable and that are shooting through the roof. I swear I'm gonna message and laugh at the next person I see trying to sell an NES for $200.

Finally, from all the news I read concerning this, I don't think Gamestop understands how important condition is when it comes to these items. If I'm gonna drop $150 down on a Chip & Dale 2 cart I need to see it in person or I need really good photos of it.

I'm not against this if it helps take some the venom out of the insane prices we've been seeing in the last few years but I don't trust Gamestop to do this correctly.

avatar! Jan 10, 2017

SIGH, I don't know why, but I ordered from them. What a MISTAKE! Worst effen company I have used in heaven knows how long! I would advice anyone to stay away from this horrible company. So here's what happened:

I ordered the exclusive indiebox bundle from Gamestop (11 games)
I paid for all 11 games
I got 6 games
I emailed customer service
I got a response, sent them a copy of the slip which shows I only got 6/11 items
No response
Another email, no response
Another email, no response
Called them up (customer "service" is a misnomer), 40 MINUTES LATER... tells me to send everything back, and then they'll send out my replacement bundle. Why can't they just send me what's missing? Apparently they can't. She said she'd send me a UPS return slip (or something like that).
Still waiting for it.

Let's just say I'm skeptical if they'll actually follow through. If not, I'll just take them to small claims court. Open and shut case. I paid and ordered, they did not send.

avoid Gamestop like the plague

The_Paladin Jan 10, 2017

They oddly keep certain (almost always first party Nintendo) used games priced higher than ebay even as newer games get priced down into the under $20 mark.  I do actually pick up used games (usually during b2g1 sales), though you have to sift through  their bad practices to do so.  It's a shame Best Buy is terrible with their used stock and selection because their Gamer's club is great for buying new games (which again outside the big releases tends to be somewhat limited).

Oh, and a couple other things since my '15 post.
- While looking at DS games I spotted SoulSilver fakes at two different stores.  First one just said "huh" and left it on the shelf, second one made me point out like 3 reasons it was fake but did pull it from the shelf.
- While in a Gamestop I overheard an employee saying that they are now legally pawn shops which is interesting...

Ashley Winchester Jan 10, 2017

The_Paladin wrote:

- While in a Gamestop I overheard an employee saying that they are now legally pawn shops which is interesting...


avatar! Jan 11, 2017

Ashley Winchester wrote:
The_Paladin wrote:

- While in a Gamestop I overheard an employee saying that they are now legally pawn shops which is interesting...


As in, grimey slimy pawn shops, I would take it...

Pedrith Jan 11, 2017

We don't have Gamestop up here in Canada, or at least not where I live.  We do have EB Games and the people there have been nothing but awesome.  I've stepped back from games in the last few years because I didn't have the time commitment or the money, but am waiting to see what switch deals they have.  Plus I can trade in all my old games and 3ds and get credit towards the new system so it's a double win.

Ashley Winchester Jan 11, 2017 (edited Jan 11, 2017)

Pedrith wrote:

We don't have Gamestop up here in Canada, or at least not where I live.  We do have EB Games

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Gamestop owns EB Games. For example, before the EB Games in my area closed, the receipts said Gamestop even though the signage said EB Games. I was told by several people - including those working there - this was basically because they didn't want to spend the money updating the signage. If that's true, I would hardly find that surprising.

Additionally, the store near me was EB Games, the one in the mall in the neighboring town was Gamestop but those stores were connected. For example, I could have stuff from one store shipped to the other.

That said, I could see keeping the EB Games name abroad yet i'm sure they're the same entity. Gamestop bought out EB at some point I believe.

The_Paladin Jan 12, 2017

Gamestop bought out Babbages and Funco Land, though I believe the EB Games was a merger... but it's basically the same result unless somehow EB retained a separate presence in Canada but that would be odd.

avatar! Feb 3, 2017 … rs-2485039
"GameStop Employees Expose Shady Business, Unnecessary Threats Just To Trick Customers"

Just in case you were thinking about purchasing from gamestop...

"“It really is a terrible program that punishes employees for selling customers what they actually want."

raynebc Feb 3, 2017

Just refuse to buy from Gamestop.  It's easy enough to buy used games from online vendors nowadays.

avatar! Feb 17, 2017

Gamestop received my returned games on Feb 1. Have I heard anything? Did I get a refund? Obviously you know the answer to that...

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