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Ashley Winchester Nov 28, 2014 (edited Nov 28, 2014)

I just got back from working the Black Friday sales and I saw the dumbest thing in the world.

A copy of Just Dance 2015 for the freaking Wii

I was so dumbfounded... they're still making games for this thing...? I thought it was a dead as a door nail by this point. I mean Xenoblade was pretty much the last big hurrah, right?

Of course, I shouldn't be so surprised should I... this is the only kind of game they would even bother making for it at this point.

Damn... I thought even the most stubborn of developers moved on already. I mean Ubisoft complains about the WiiU sucking for third parties.

Still, I guess there must be enough of a user base if they even made it for the Wii.

absuplendous Nov 28, 2014 (edited Nov 28, 2014)

The Playstation 2's last title was published this past February November*. It's pretty common for titles like these to keep getting published for older systems--presumably, like your said, because of the user base. I always figured that the budget-friendly titles were released on the notion that there's a market in people not ready or able to invest in newer, more expensive hardware.

*I misquoted the publication month by a few months. Still, PS2 publication really hung in there.

Crash Dec 6, 2014

This reminds me of when Dead of the Brain was released for the PC-Engine back in 1999, which was like 4 years after the most recent game had been released.

TerraEpon Dec 7, 2014

The main reason PS2 kept getting games, from what I gather, is because of Brazil. But I could be wrong.

avatar! Dec 7, 2014

Old systems are great! It works like this:

new systems come out, and the price on the old system and games drop dramatically

Some years later, people are nostalgic for the old system and games, and the prices rise dramatically. Some people are so nostalgic, they even release their own games (such as Pier Solar for Genesis and Dreamcast). Funny, when you think about it.

Ashley Winchester Dec 8, 2014

TerraEpon wrote:

The main reason PS2 kept getting games, from what I gather, is because of Brazil. But I could be wrong.

No, I can believe that. Even though I have more affection for the PS1, the PS2 was a freaking beast. It was the right amount of technology at the right time and that accessibility gave it it's insanely long life cycle.

Sami Dec 10, 2014

This isn't even the only game that has been released recently for the Wii. There were, among others, that Skylanders game and a roster update of the new FIFA game. What's funny is that Wii U didn't even get the FIFA game.

And yeah, it's not so surprising that Wii games still sell. There are 100 million of the consoles out there, and if you hook up a Wii to a modern TV with component cables, the picture quality can look surprisingly good. And there are just tons of interesting Wii games in its back catalog. It could also be argued that some games like New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Wii Sports are actually better than their later sequels. Not to mention all the Wii games that don't have sequels or ports anywhere else.

For some games, there are some benefits to Wii's "low tech". For example, in the latest Just Dance games, you don't have to use Ubisoft's uPlay to unlock some extra content, you just do it with in-game "mojo" that you get from playing the songs.

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