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Idolores Aug 3, 2011

It's been bugging me for a while. I knew that with all the praise I've been hearing about it, I had to have been missing something. So I dug out my copy of Deadly Premonition and gave it another go. I had caught up watching a few David Lynch films, so going into it again, I had a new sense of what the director was trying to achieve, esoteric though it is.

I still can't say it's an amazing game. But the context that Lynch's films have given me have enhanced my enjoyment of it quite a lot. It's got a pretty decent soundtrack, too. I can't wait to finish it. Never imagined I'd be saying that.

Amazingu Aug 3, 2011

My boy Idolores, finally grown up...

Princess-Isabela Aug 4, 2011 (edited Aug 4, 2011)

DP is one of the coolest games that came out in recent years.
Gameplay mechanics weren't great but competent and functional.
Story and characters were absolutely fantastic, top of the league (the twists!) 
Soundtrack is highly regarded, nice mix of genres ranging from ballads, jazz to metal(there should be an album released).

One of my favorite tracks, guitar centric George Woodman theme (no spoilers):

And main theme (just beautiful):

Make sure to do the side quests as you're getting really more out of the story as well as plenty of useful items (like the legendary guitar Grecotch to smash zombies with *play on words Greco/Gretsch, two very reputable guitar makers).

Deadly Premonition has a lot going for it if you're willing to give it a chance,
a cult favorite for a reason.

the_miker Aug 7, 2011

Excellent!  Welcome to the club, man.  Would love to hear your final thoughts after you finish the game.  And if you didn't already, be sure to grab my FLAC game rip since you're digging the music so much. big_smile

avatar! Aug 7, 2011

Idolores wrote:

It's been bugging me for a while. I knew that with all the praise I've been hearing about it, I had to have been missing something. So I dug out my copy of Deadly Premonition and gave it another go. I had caught up watching a few David Lynch films, so going into it again, I had a new sense of what the director was trying to achieve, esoteric though it is.

I still can't say it's an amazing game. But the context that Lynch's films have given me have enhanced my enjoyment of it quite a lot. It's got a pretty decent soundtrack, too. I can't wait to finish it. Never imagined I'd be saying that.

You know, I saw Mulholland Drive (pretty good), Blue Velvet (boring), Dune (boring), but I do want to see Twin Peaks. I will say that if you enjoy errie/strange stuff such as Silent Hill, you really should read William Hope Hodgson. Consider starting with "The House on the Borderland", which was made into a very poor comic book adaptation (skip it, make sure to get the actual novel). I always thought Hodgson's works would make great video games/movies if done properly. As it stands, his works are a wonderful read!

Idolores Aug 11, 2011

the_miker wrote:

Excellent!  Welcome to the club, man.  Would love to hear your final thoughts after you finish the game.

I'll try to remember to post my thoughts here as soon as I finish it; I'm notoriously bad for that.

I'm loving it. I just finished Epsiode 2 Part 2. The Murder/Mystery angle is definitely the aspect I dig most about it, like Twin Peaks meets Silent Hill. The characters are all down-to-Earth with some fantastic writing and characterization backing them up and the plot has had some genuinely affecting twists. Apparently there's a big one coming up; I can't wait to play even more.

Idolores Sep 5, 2011 (edited Sep 5, 2011)

So this weekend saw me wrap up both Deadly Premonition and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

I really am starting to dig these sleeper games that I see pop up. Oftentimes given criminally low budgets to work with, the developers have to make up for it with heart, soul and style, and while those factors are objectively hard to work into a review, subjectively it's right up my alley. The small town murder/mystery angle was such a fresh idea. I loved cruising around town and just getting to know the entirety of the population. Greenvale was one of those towns in a video game that actually felt like a town, with a sense of history to not only it, but its' inhabitants as well.

The storyline was deftly told, never revealing too much, too soon or at the wrong time, and while I had suspicions about it beforehand, the twist at the end about Zach being York nonetheless managed to be truly affecting for a variety of reasons.

The cast was great. Despite the clunky, awkward dialogue, these people felt real and fleshed out and contributed greatly to the overall atmosphere of the game. It was a real treat driving around with George and Emily, just talking with them. York's conversations with Zach about movie trivia ranged from being funny to informative, but never once did I want to skip them.

I can't recall any of the supernatural occurrences being explained in detail (if at all), but in the games' defense, I missed out on a good 90% of the sidequests. Maybe its' explained somewhere in them.

On my second playthrough, I'll be doing a more thorough run. This is a game that needs another go. Fantastic little title all around, though I'm not surprised in the least that it's gone under the radar for as long as it has.

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