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XLord007 Sep 14, 2006

Apparently Link has been left-handed in the 3D Zelda games.  I never payed attention to his handedness, but apparently some people have.  So, if you want to continue seeing Link as a lefty, you have to get the NGC version of Twilight Princess as he will be a righty in the Wii version:

Amazingu Sep 15, 2006

Well I guess that's definite proof then that you'll be using the Wii controller to swing the sword. Wasn't that confirmed and denied like several times in a row the past couple of months?

Kenology Sep 15, 2006

I think they should go on and make him right-handed in the Cube version for the sake of uniformity.

Traditionally, Link was always left-handed.  But being as though this is a new Link, it would be cool to have him be a righty. 

Or, better yet, Nintendo could actually have a bit of fun with this and include an item in-game that make Link right-handed in the Wii version.  I think that'd be decent!

raynebc Sep 15, 2006

Or better yet, they could just have you specify in the game options whether you're left or right handed.  They wouldn't have to do much to change this in game, they could just do a cheap effect where he's drawn backwards.

XLord007 Sep 16, 2006

raynebc wrote:

Or better yet, they could just have you specify in the game options whether you're left or right handed.  They wouldn't have to do much to change this in game, they could just do a cheap effect where he's drawn backwards.

Yeah, I don't know why they just don't do this.  It would make a lot of sense.

XLord007 Sep 16, 2006

Amazingu wrote:

Well I guess that's definite proof then that you'll be using the Wii controller to swing the sword. Wasn't that confirmed and denied like several times in a row the past couple of months?

The E3 2006 version used a button to swing the sword.  The version shown yesterday in NYC used the Wiimote to swing the sword, which I suppose is how it will be in the final, though it would be nice if Nintendo have us the option.  I don't feel like getting tendonitis while cutting all that grass you know.

Schala Sep 16, 2006

XLord007 wrote:

I don't feel like getting tendonitis while cutting all that grass you know.

As a friend of mine said, remarking about how the Wiimote will be used to mimic football throws: We play games because we suck at doing this stuff in real life, usually due to physical constraints. I don't care if I don't need to put actual strength behind my "sword swing," I'd like to keep with the traditional button-mashing, thanks.

TerraEpon Sep 16, 2006

Schala wrote:

As a friend of mine said, remarking about how the Wiimote will be used to mimic football throws: We play games because we suck at doing this stuff in real life, usually due to physical constraints. I don't care if I don't need to put actual strength behind my "sword swing," I'd like to keep with the traditional button-mashing, thanks.

There's some sense to that, but there's also a good point that if you're doing something more akin to the "real" motion, it might make you seem like it's 'you' making the stuff on screen happen, than a computer.


SonicPanda Sep 17, 2006

I'll definitely be getting the Gamecube version, widescreen be damned.

I'm kind of hedgy on the whole "swinging motion" control idea, not just because of tendonitis, as has been said, but also because my gaming table, home to games recently played and current cans of soda, is almost exactly at my elbow's height. I'd hate to just throw my arm up there and spend the next hour dry-padding my games.

Also, not strictly related but Wii-centric, GRR Nintendo. You made Super Paper Mario Wii-only and stole my Christmas, you bastards.

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