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Adam Corn Aug 29, 2013

I really had consider for a second whether the article was dated early April. … clamshell/

This reinforces the notion to me that Nintendo is on the way out.  At least for a generation or so until they get their act back together.

I get that it's a cheaper model of the 3DS and that it targets very young children who shouldn't be playing games in 3D.  Still it's a ridiculous looking unit that any company on top of the market wouldn't release whether it makes a buck or not.

If they insist on releasing a machine with that form factor they could have at least merged the two screens into one and split them in software.  It would open up some interesting possibilities for using the larger screen as a single display and would look a lot better to boot.

absuplendous Aug 30, 2013

Those interesting possibilities would essentially make the 2DS its own platform, splitting the consumer base. The "single screen mode" wouldn't work on both platforms without accounting for the gap between screens on the 3DS or the different size screens. That's a lot of ramifications for what's supposed to be a cheaper version of the same platform.

I agree that it's a really odd (and personally, unappealing) form factor. If it retained its clam shell design and I didn't already have a 3DS, I would have welcomed this as I have no love for the stereoscopic effect. I think it's a concession that the 3D feature isn't all that hot, but I don't think it signifies that Nintendo is "on the way out." People have been so quick to say that, so often... but they're still here.

Adam Corn Aug 30, 2013

Virtual Boot wrote:

Those interesting possibilities would essentially make the 2DS its own platform, splitting the consumer base. The "single screen mode" wouldn't work on both platforms without accounting for the gap between screens on the 3DS or the different size screens. That's a lot of ramifications for what's supposed to be a cheaper version of the same platform.

I was thinking more for apps than gaming.  But yeah I realize it would run counter to the goal of creating a cheaper device.  Just anything to improve that awful design.

Virtual Boot wrote:

If it retained its clam shell design and I didn't already have a 3DS, I would have welcomed this as I have no love for the stereoscopic effect.

Yes, even an old school DS Lite design with 3DS compatibility would have been better I think.

I think it's a concession that the 3D feature isn't all that hot, but I don't think it signifies that Nintendo is "on the way out." People have been so quick to say that, so often... but they're still here.

Yeah I know people have been saying it since the Gamecube days, but this is the first time I think they're right.  Not "out" as in bankruptcy or not making games anymore of course, but "out" as in no longer being a serious competitor in the hardware market.

Pure speculation: If Nintendo are willing to sacrifice the 3D display of the 3DS, what is essentially that machine's "essential" and distinguishing hardware feature, might they do the same for the Wii U by releasing a cheaper gamepad-less model?

absuplendous Aug 30, 2013

I haven't played any Wii U titles, so I don't know how integrated the game pad is with the console's titles. If it's integral, I doubt it. The 3D effect, while the 3DS's hot gimmick for a while, was never considered essential in that you could always turn it off and no games require its use.

The Wii U apparently leaves much to be desired, but Nintendo, as usual, dominates the handheld market, having sold millions more than the Vita--and this is before Pokemon hit the market. The fact that a cheaper, child-friendly version of their current platform is coming out on the same day as X & Y is no coincidence, I'm sure.

James O Aug 30, 2013

i don't think Nintendo would abandon the core functionality of the Wii U Gamepad tablet by getting rid of it.  Otherwise, what's there to distinguish a Wii U from a Wii?  The concept already baffles some consumers, ditching the gamepad would make it even worse.

Jay Aug 30, 2013

This could be attractive for parents in ways if it really were massively cheaper. I don't think it's quite cheap enough. I can understand the lack of 3D being a draw for parents and the lack of a hinge means one thing less to break. But it also means exposed screens and if this is a 3DS for younger kids, that could be a real problem.

Looks pretty hideous though.

Personally, I still really value the 3D in the 3DS. I think it's excellent.

Adam Corn Aug 30, 2013

James O wrote:

i don't think Nintendo would abandon the core functionality of the Wii U Gamepad tablet by getting rid of it.  Otherwise, what's there to distinguish a Wii U from a Wii?  The concept already baffles some consumers

All the more reason to get rid of it. smile

The thing about Nintendo hardware is it's always been basically just a channel to get Nintendo games (since the N64 days when they lost their lock on third parties anyway).  Wii was an exception in that it had a unique hardware feature that connected with consumers (motion controls), but since the Wii U's hardware feature isn't exactly connecting with consumers and is only driving the price up, why not ditch it if it allows more people buy Nintendo games.  I brought the point up already in the Wii U thread already so don't want to harp on it too much here, but if a gamepad-less Wii U allowed them to drop the system down to $200 I think it would be a very smart move to make.

As for the 2DS the more I look at it the more it looks like a toy.  Which is about right for the demographic they're aiming for.  Doesn't do anything for their image with older consumers though.

GoldfishX Aug 30, 2013 (edited Aug 30, 2013)

If the 2DS was just a 3DS without the 3d stupidness, I would buy it in a heartbeat. But that form doesn't look very workable.

I have been ripping on Nintendo for the better part of the last 10 years on these boards for making stupid decisions. The last person to own a Wii U would be me, as I think the gamepad is a lesson in consumer confusion and more of a hinderance than a boon.

At least, that's what I thought before I won that raffle last month and was handed a brand new Wii U onstage, in front of about 70-80 people. (oh the irony)

The guy hands me the microphone and asks me how I felt. I said, "I feel great! There's one game I already want for this thing - Super Mario Wii U - and another game I want - Super Mario 3D World - comes out in six months!"

So...I have a brand new Wii U sitting un-opened in the corner of my room. I actually like the feel of the gamepad as a controller...It's basically an SNES controller with analogue sticks and a screen.

(I'm the guy in the Megaman shirt, holding the Wii U between the two cosplay girls. Contrary to what they say, I was there the rest of the night, as I was in the fighting game tournies. Hitman GFX is my fighting game handle)

Zorbfish Aug 31, 2013

Pics of it in the wild.

It looks like one of those tiger hand held games from way back when smile The only thing that would make me even consider one is if somehow Nintendo had a turn of heart and region-unlocked it. Otherwise: more software, less hardware, please and thank you.

Razakin Aug 31, 2013

Zorbfish wrote:

Pics of it in the wild.

It looks like one of those tiger hand held games from way back when smile The only thing that would make me even consider one is if somehow Nintendo had a turn of heart and region-unlocked it. Otherwise: more software, less hardware, please and thank you.

Hmm, apparently it's better to hold than DS/3DS, which would make me want to buy it. Would make playing the games bit easier, when the screens would be on same level all the time.

Too bad that the screen isn't XL size, so I probably have to wait for the upcoming 2DS XL  big_smile

vert1 Aug 31, 2013

Shows off the DS family in a spread sheet and has more pics to look at.

I don't think this is a bad idea; it appeals to consumers who want cheap goods. Handhelds are a cheap (worse) form of entertainment than consoles. It's already a compromise. Regardless, Nintendo has nothing to worry about right now in the handheld market.

Personally it strikes me as something absurd that may catch on and sell like hot cakes (or a cake slice shape handheld). We live in a culture where people are extremely bored and seduced by the ridiculous (a prank culture). Seeing this 2DS on the logo packaging will pique the consumer interest.

Nintendo... leave luck to heaven...

Qui-Gon Joe Sep 2, 2013

Adam Corn wrote:

If Nintendo are willing to sacrifice the 3D display of the 3DS, what is essentially that machine's "essential" and distinguishing hardware feature, might they do the same for the Wii U by releasing a cheaper gamepad-less model?

This ignores the fact that 3D may have been the selling bullet point for the 3DS initially but that in the end it's still a purely aesthetic feature.  Games in no way need to have 3D in order to WORK with the console, so it's something easily gotten rid of.  The Gamepad for the Wii U is (theoretically supposed to be) integrated into the actual functionality of games, like the touchscreen of the DS.  Both are an integral part of the actual gameplay mechanics of software that releases for each.

XLord007 Sep 3, 2013

While I don't personally like the look of the 2DS, I find it hard to argue with Nintendo's logic for creating it. This is a Pokemon machine for parents with multiple kids who want to save money. I think it will do well at $130, but I think it will do really well once they get it down to $100.

avatar! Oct 17, 2013 (edited Oct 17, 2013)

From what I've read, this was a very smart move on Nintendo's part. Personally, I think the 3DS is phenomenal, but for those that don't like 3D (perhaps quite a few people) this is what they will purchase. So, I would have to disagree with Adam's statement that "Nintendo is on the way out." I of course hope they stick around, since we need competition! Their real problem is the Wii U and lack of games.

Edit: now, if Nintendo made a 1DS, then I would agree something is gravely amiss smile

Ashley Winchester Oct 17, 2013

Personally, the fact that this thing doesn't fold together like a clam shell is a big minus to me - if it doesn't fit in my pocket it's pretty much a no go - but as most have already stated this really isn't for the older gamer anyway so I see the point.

Still, that video I saw where the kid put the thing in its stupid looking fanny pack... yeah... doesn't really scream hip to me... but then kids probably don't care about that.

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