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LuxKiller65 Mar 7, 2006

Yep, three discs, one OST, one game and one videos.

less than 30 EUR shipped to Europe on the web.


Zane Mar 7, 2006

LuxKiller65 wrote:

one OST

Oh really?

Dais Mar 7, 2006

I wonder just how much bonus material there is for the Castlevania, considering it's Haunted Castle :\

avatar! Mar 7, 2006

What I'd really like to see is a Castlevania collection released here in the States!  The main title being the infamous Dracula X which was only released on the TurboDuo (well, with a weak port released on the SNES)!  That would be awesome smile
Maybe they'd even upgrade the games...add new graphics, music, and perhaps some better play control.  Of course, this is unlikely to happen, but hey we can always hope!



Qui-Gon Joe Mar 7, 2006

avatar! wrote:

The main title being the infamous Dracula X which was only released on the TurboDuo (well, with a weak port released on the SNES)!

If by "port" you mean "completely different game with vague-at-best relationship with the original Turbo Duo version," then yes, that's an accurate description of the craptacular SNES game.  wink

SonicPanda Mar 8, 2006

Damn, man! You could've told us in the header it wasn't for North America! ARGH...time to go thump my head on a wall repeatedly.

LuxKiller65 Mar 8, 2006 (edited Mar 8, 2006)

avatar! wrote:

Maybe they'd even upgrade the games...add new graphics, music, and perhaps some better play control.  Of course, this is unlikely to happen, but hey we can always hope!



Are you like me, hoping IGA and all his crappy mafia staff will get fired? i don't know, the building collapsing while they're working on a new fantastic PS2 title? The best is, I keep on buying their stuff anyway...

Zane wrote:
LuxKiller65 wrote:

one OST

Oh really?

That's what I heard. And that's why I'm buying it. There'll definitely be a soundtrack, I thought on the same disc as the game, but it doesn't make any sense since it's a PS2 disc.

TerraEpon Mar 8, 2006

LuxKiller65 wrote:

I thought on the same disc as the game, but it doesn't make any sense since it's a PS2 disc.

Why not? PS2 games can be on CD, which means the can have redbook audio.


LuxKiller65 Mar 8, 2006

We should ask somebody who already has one or more of these Hamster games. But I'm alsmot sure it's on a separate disc.

XLord007 Mar 8, 2006

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
avatar! wrote:

The main title being the infamous Dracula X which was only released on the TurboDuo (well, with a weak port released on the SNES)!

If by "port" you mean "completely different game with vague-at-best relationship with the original Turbo Duo version," then yes, that's an accurate description of the craptacular SNES game.  wink

I am the only one who likes the SNES Dracula X?  I don't understand why it gets so much hate on the internet.  It had great graphics, great music, an actual story, branching levels, and a truly classic level of challenge (perhaps a little too classic).  The only knock against it I can think of are the controls which went back to old school Castlevania instead of the fluid controls found in CV4.  It seems to me that most people hate it because it's not the PCE DX.  It's like saying that cute girl in your class is worthless because she's not Jessica Alba.

TerraEpon Mar 8, 2006

Dracula XX is pretty mediocre. A good first level and the rest meh. But I agree, it's not horrible, certainly better than many SNES platformers out there. And yeah, it's not a port, it's not even really a remake...

...but then again, Castevania fans seem to have trouble with terms, as many people call CV4 a remakle of the original, for some strange reason.


LuxKiller65 Mar 8, 2006 (edited Mar 8, 2006)

XLord007 wrote:

It seems to me that most people hate it because it's not the PCE DX.  It's like saying that cute girl in your class is worthless because she's not Jessica Alba.

You get the point here! There's nothing more to say. I've been hanging around in Castlevania forums for years now (I'm a "serious" Castlevania collector by now) and the two games nobody can criticize are Sotn and RoB... that's so boring, no wait, annoying. Like they're untouchable, I don't know, many say you're crazy if you don't kneel before them.

TerraEpon wrote:

Dracula XX is pretty mediocre. A good first level and the rest meh.

Sadly enough, very few have ventured beyond the first level!

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