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jmj20320514 Feb 17, 2006

I'd just like to brag that I first saw this split-second image on a friend's tiny iPod screen. It's right there in the new SH trailer, but alot of people I've spoken to haven't noticed it.


Guess who?

avatar! Feb 17, 2006

jmj20320514 wrote:

I'd just like to brag that I first saw this split-second image on a friend's tiny iPod screen. It's right there in the new SH trailer, but alot of people I've spoken to haven't noticed it. … /phead.jpg

Guess who?

Neat!  Although from what I can tell, the movie is based primarily off the first game.  However I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they included things from the 2nd and third game (and maybe even the 4th, which I haven't played).



jmj20320514 Feb 17, 2006

To be fair, I'm thoroughly not expecting the movie to be faithful to any of the games. I'm just hoping that it's entertaining.

Amazingu Feb 18, 2006 (edited Feb 18, 2006)


This is very VERY old news.
Everyone I'VE spoken to knows about this already.

Although I'm still cautious about the movie, I am more or less expecting it to be the best game-to-movie adaptation, only because that doesn't actually mean anything.
But in any case it has already done a FAR better job at catching the atmosphere of the games than any other game-movie so far.

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