Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

    Pages: 1

Amazingu Jun 23, 2014

Wow, has it been a year already!?

GoldfishX Jun 23, 2014

There's Summer Games Done Quick, which is in June. And there's Awesome Games Done Quick, which is in winter. So six months apart.

Amazingu Jun 23, 2014

Ah, that explains it then.

Getting ready for the MM6 race right now!

Ashley Winchester Jun 23, 2014

GoldfishX wrote:

Megaman V Gameboy race (that game is really underrated!)

Sorry, but I disagree on that one. Mega Man IV is just as good... the only reason people cream over Mega Man V is because the Stardroids offer something new they didn't beat the tar out of in another game. When that's the highlight of the experience...? I'll admit that I like all the small, unique things it offers (and the music is very interesting and moody) at the end of the day - and sixty dollars later - this was just another Mega Man game to me.

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