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Dragon God Dec 4, 2010

German T breeder gets caught by US officials.


Note to self : When you get around to breeding your own tarantulas... get permits.

This sucks hardcore. All this guy wanted to do was to provide captive-bred babies of endangered species listed on CITES. He lacked the necessary papers to proove these babies were indeed captive-bred.

Arg !

Angela Dec 5, 2010

I was going to use a 'caught in a web' pun to describe his plight, but the news article already beat me to the punch.  Drat.

raynebc Dec 5, 2010

Sounds like he was making a hell of a lot of money.  As they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

avatar! Dec 5, 2010

I actually thought about you (DG) when I read the article. I understand that he sold some protected Mexican species. I'm sure he knew he was breaking the law. There is no way he would not have known that these spiders were protected and thus illegally sold. I don't know how damaging his poaching is, but in general I think poachers deserve very harsh sentences. At any rate, I hope your spiders are doing well.

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