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Dragon God Dec 31, 2011

I would like to thank everyone that has contributed to my progress in the vgm hobby. 

One of the resolutions for 2012 is to no longer browse online. I know it sounds silly, but I feel I can enjoy more out of life if I let go of this "virtual" world. To live it up like 30 years ago. So that means no more online purchases.



Razakin Jan 1, 2012

Well damn, no more reading your dilemma about your collection or stuff about your pets. But good luck on the real life, hopefully you don't get any withdrawal symptons.

And whole leaving the net, or reducing time online would do good to almost everyone us visiting this site.

Jodo Kast Jan 1, 2012

I think we have all been waylaid by the web.

Ramza Jan 1, 2012

You are a good man and I hope you can stick to your 2012 resolution for at least 2 months. smile

longhairmike Jan 1, 2012 (edited Jan 1, 2012)

you drank the entire bottle of Crown Royal last night, didn't you?

vert1 Jan 1, 2012

"Say bye to the virtual guy!" That's a tough resolution. Too tough. Good luck.

akonsouth Jan 20, 2012

May God bless you good but man ... we will miss but tell me where areb you going and why are you leaving us we were passing our good time then why???

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