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avatar! Nov 25, 2006

Has anyone tried playing GC games on the Wii?  What are the results?  Can you plug a GC memory card into the Wii?  Apparently a number of PS and PS2 games are having "issues" with the PS3.  See:

As an example, in Devil May Cry 3, you have

"Description: Throughout gameplay, when the user's character opens a door, the "warping" sound effect plays overlapped by a static noise."



POPOBOT5000 Nov 25, 2006

What does one have to do with the other?

If there have been any Wii backwards compatibility issues, I haven't heard of any. In fact, I heard the GC Freeloader even works without a hitch. And yes, you can plug GC cards into the Wii, right next to the GC controller ports.

Qui-Gon Joe Nov 26, 2006

No problem so far with any of the Gamecube games I've stuck in.  I somehow think we would've heard something from somewhere on the internet if there weren't 100% backwards compatibility with the Wii.

longhairmike Nov 26, 2006

right now im not planning on buying a Wii,, but if they made it with slots to plus in a gameboy or snes cartridge i would be all over it...

shdwrlm3 Nov 26, 2006

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

No problem so far with any of the Gamecube games I've stuck in.  I somehow think we would've heard something from somewhere on the internet if there weren't 100% backwards compatibility with the Wii.

This was the closest thing I could find regarding problems with Wii's backwards compatibility: … 216567.php

Apparently, though, the issue was an isolated one, because other users had no problem whatsoever with the game in question (Mario Golf: Toadstool Toor).

right now im not planning on buying a Wii,, but if they made it with slots to plus in a gameboy or snes cartridge i would be all over it...

I would snap one up in a heartbeat if they ever did that. I doubt they'd ever do SNES games because of Virtual Console, but have Game Boy/Color/Advance games been announced for download? I skipped getting a GameCube, but I realized that meant passing on the Game Boy Player as well, so I hope there'll still be some way to play portable games on Wii.

Amazingu Nov 27, 2006

If the Freeloader also works that would be totally sweet!
Then I can sell my Gamecube right away.

Qui-Gon Joe Nov 27, 2006

Yeah, getting a US Wii has effectively rendered my US Gamecube completely useless, being that I have a Japanese one (Tales of Symphony Green, <3) with Gameboy player.  The Wii and the green cube next to each other look kind of strange compared to how the two cubes looked.  Oh well... it saves space.

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