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Stephen Apr 2, 2007 (edited Apr 3, 2007)

I'm not too sure about the singing part.  How did Karoke Revolution rate you on singing?  Also, if people sing badly (on purpose or not) that might kill the party mood for some.

GoldfishX Apr 2, 2007 (edited Apr 2, 2007)

Great concept, but this may be something that is harder than it sounds to work properly. I'll be very surprised if they really get something like this off the ground considering the issue of online lag and the cost of peripherals, plus the voice thing as Stephen mentioned...Just having guitars/drums/keyboards would be enough, maybe with the vocals as an afterthought. It does sound like the next Bemani evolution though...

I'll probably follow this closely, as it is one of the more unique ideas I've heard recently.

Princess-Isabela Apr 3, 2007

it's harmonix, I'll buy it.
anyone played frequency, amplitude?
guitar hero is well known, so most people know what it's all about.
I bet their next game will rock as always.

Ryu Apr 3, 2007

I just picked up the 360 Guitar Hero II at midnight last night.  There is something to this game when you play it that makes it way more fun, and addictive, than it should be.

However, I would much prefer Sonic Team to re-release on some other system Samba de Amigo I and II in one collection and with the maracas.

I've not played Frequency or Amplitude; aren't they basically the same concept as GH but without a guitar?

XLord007 Apr 4, 2007

Princess-Isabela wrote:

it's harmonix, I'll buy it.
anyone played frequency, amplitude?
guitar hero is well known, so most people know what it's all about.
I bet their next game will rock as always.

I played Frequency, but the insane difficulty got to me about midway through the game and I eventually sold it.

Princess-Isabela Apr 5, 2007

I beat both games on insane difficulty, I cannot wait for new game from the "series".
one of my favorite games(though I preferred frequency when it came down to song list, club style), in amplitude they decided to take mainstream route.

Jay Apr 5, 2007

I loved Frequency. Something about Amplitude didn't click with me in the same way but it may well not be the game itself as I couldn't put my finger on it. Oddly enough, I never played Guitar Hero so didn't know until Frequency was brought up who Harmonix was.

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