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Jay Dec 7, 2007

Well there's something for everyone in Galaxy then!

Qui-Gon Joe Dec 7, 2007

Zane wrote:

- Honeyhive: getting 80+ coins and then (somehow) rocketing off of the vine shoot into a black hole

Having seen this happen to people repeatedly, I finally figured out that Mario doesn't catch the second vine if you do the mid-air spin AFTER falling off the first vine.  If you just send him off the edge, he's programmed to go from one to the other, but spinning sends you off course and sometimes you don't grab the next one.

Anyway, I really really like the purple comets - there's a great amount of variety in what you have to do in order to get 100, and they're all pretty challenging.  Freezeflame's purple coins I liked BECAUSE it took me a while to figure out how to get all of them - I hadn't done the star that requires you to get to the true summit of the stage, so it was fun exploring and trying to figure out just how to get all the way up there.

Honestly I haven't felt this sense of wonder and enjoyment in a game for ages.  I've beaten it with all stars twice now and still feel like going back again.  Thankfully I have friends playing through it who I can P2 for (player 2 actually has some pretty God-like powers and is a great help for people who aren't as good/confident in their platforming abilities)!

Kenology Dec 7, 2007 (edited Dec 7, 2007)

Zane wrote:

That said, I have to say that getting the purple coins was a ton of fun. Beach Bowl and Sea Slide are probably my favorites, along with Honeyhive. Luckily for me, I am at a point in my second playthrough (95+ stars) where I'm doing a lot of purple coin collecting. smile

It's so much easier the second time around.  Dreadnaught and Toy Galaxy didn't give me nearly as much trouble with the green dude.

Jay wrote:

The one that bored me was the one in the big water ring world where you had to use the bee costume and it was soooooooo sloooooooowwwwwww... And twice I had collected all 100 coins and then shot myself off the edge by accident. I was gutted.

Yes, I couldn't stand that galaxies.  It took soooooo long to get all the purple coins in Seaslide... going around the entire circumference of the entire level.  Geez!  I also notice that my least favorite galaxies are the ones that Zane loves.

Funny how, after two playthroughs, I wish there was like a third one with Wario or somebody...  This game is sooooooo good.

Kenology Dec 8, 2007

Cool Gametrailers video showing things you might not have noticed or known about.  Pretty cool!

Ryu Dec 17, 2007 (edited Dec 17, 2007)

I finally got to try the Toy Time purple coin challenge.  I lost all my lives trying to get this one.  It's ridiculous.  And I hate it.  I really hate how the (extremely arbitrary) timer does NOT stop when you accomplish whatever task it is having you do.

... and, yes, I enjoy this game; I'm just venting.

Amazingu Dec 17, 2007

@ Ryu: The very first time I played this game, I got that Toy Time Purple coin challenge after only two tries.
When I arrived there again on my second playthrough, it took me, like 50!
There's definitely a control issue on the second playthrough, if you know what I mean (can this unlockable still be considered a spoiler? Doesn't everyone know by now?), but then I realised that there's 150 coins there so you don't have to get all of them. Just ignore the really hard bits, and it's pretty easy actually.

Qui-Gon Joe Dec 17, 2007

Amazingu, I actually had the opposite problem you had.  It took me FOREVER to get the first time, but I got it on my first try during my second playthrough of the game.  That said, yes, realizing there are 150 coins makes it much much easier.

Kenology Dec 18, 2007

Best site ever reviews Mario Galaxy.

Angela Jan 26, 2008

The latest issue of Nintendo Power's got another great in-depth feature with Koizumi.  But what really catches the eye is this amazing piece that depicts, at least from what I can see, all of the villains from Galaxy.  I've never seen it before, has anyone else?

Galaxy Villains: … insdy4.jpg

Amazingu Jan 27, 2008

Yep, they had it up on Kotaku as well many moons ago.

Angela Jan 27, 2008

Ah, thanks for the heads-up.  I was hoping there would be a high-res version out there. :)

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