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Push It Jul 6, 2009

Princess-Isabela wrote:
Push It wrote:

Looking at the Sonic the Hedgehog Birthday/Anniversary soundtrack, they have BGM tracks from Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles.

Very odd.

not at all, it was the anniversary of Sonic's 10th birthday, so they made a cd compilation, including Sonic's older themes.
it's a good cd.

That comment was made as a response to the idea that there are some legal issues behind the delay in the release of official soundtracks for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive Sonic games. That's not to say that I don't believe there aren't any legal issues involved, but I just found it odd that they could release a "Best of Sonic" soundtrack featuring various audio tracks from the 16-bit games.

Cedille Nov 18, 2009

Recently heard the gamerip of Caduceus 2 aka Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 and it's pretty darn good! Not the greatest work ever, but it's as good as his later Cave soundtracks. Definitely deserved a soundtrack release, and hopefully Hospital (the spiritual successor) is also handled by Namiki (and Kamikura, especially if that awesome last operation theme is his).

Angela Nov 21, 2009

Cedille wrote:

Recently heard the gamerip of Caduceus 2 aka Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 and it's pretty darn good!

Yeah, I was delighted with UTK2.  Namiki's score was definitely one of the highlights of the game.  His take on the "G.U.I.L.T" theme in Encroaching Shadows is so, so good.

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