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Zane Mar 4, 2008

Ephidel wrote:

Has anyone heard about this Resi 0 re-release that now is only happening in Japan? Basically it's a port with waggle. Pointless and short-sighted, Capcom would be smarter to REmake Resi 2 & 3 for the Wii which might make up for the lack of Resi 5 on a Nintendo console.

Yeah, I heard about that. It's definitely strange, to say the least. RE:UC makes perfect sense to me - point and shoot, history of the series, some new plot elements, etc. - but RE Zero on the Wii makes me scratch my head.

Ephidel Mar 4, 2008

Big question. Should I get Okami on release day or should I spend the money on DS games?

I am going to get this game, I'm just wondering whether it is such a "killer app" that I should get it on release day?

Also, don't envy us about MKWii. It's looking Gamecube or worse in graphics, the Wii Wheel seems even more useless than the Zapper, there are so many unknowns about this game, that most people are expecting a rushed job to stop the imminent executions of key NoE personnel. They can't have been that important though, it's not like NoE actually does anything anyway!

csK Mar 5, 2008

Do you mean the... Wii Okami?  Or has it really taken this long for the game to reach the PS2 in Europe?  I know you guys only just got God Hand a little while ago, while we've had it in the States for a year and a half, if not longer.

Qui-Gon Joe Mar 5, 2008

Ephidel wrote:

Also, don't envy us about MKWii. It's looking Gamecube or worse in graphics, the Wii Wheel seems even more useless than the Zapper, there are so many unknowns about this game, that most people are expecting a rushed job to stop the imminent executions of key NoE personnel.

I'm actually really excited about Mario Kart Wii.  12 player online, Gamecube controller support, twice as many tracks as the normal console MKs?  Screw the graphics, it sounds like exactly what I'd want in a Mario Kart game.

As for Okami, it's pretty good, but it's no Zelda.  Pros: spectacularly gorgeous, great soundtrack, should be awesome to control the paint brush with the Wii remote.  Con: the game wears out its welcome and drags horribly for the last third or so.  Still, it looks to be a really good port for the amount of time they had to work on it.  If you haven't played it at all yet and you like the genre, I'd recommend getting it to encourage more good 3rd party stuff on the Wii.

Ephidel Mar 5, 2008

Yup, the Wii one if you don't mind. Basically, if you had to choose between this and any 2 DS games of your choice, would the 2 DS games be worth your time and money now, or should you rather get Okami as it is so amazing it's the best game on the Wii pending Brawl's release?!

Had anyone heard of the new freeloader gadget that allows people to play all Wii games regardless of the region they are from. Datel have made it, and lots of people are buying one and have pre-ordered Brawl from the States, just so they don't have to wait. These damn release dates will be the end of the EU market, I just know it!

Also, be extremely careful with Brawl spoilers on here please. Our own ONM screwed up and revealed a whole bunch of secret Brawl characters without so much as a "Spoiler Alert!". Luckily the forumites here in the UK set them straight and now they've promised not to do it again!

Man, why do you guys get Brawl sooooooo much earlier? It's criminal!

Ephidel Mar 5, 2008

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
Ephidel wrote:

Also, don't envy us about MKWii. It's looking Gamecube or worse in graphics, the Wii Wheel seems even more useless than the Zapper, there are so many unknowns about this game, that most people are expecting a rushed job to stop the imminent executions of key NoE personnel.

I'm actually really excited about Mario Kart Wii.  12 player online, Gamecube controller support, twice as many tracks as the normal console MKs?  Screw the graphics, it sounds like exactly what I'd want in a Mario Kart game.

As for Okami, it's pretty good, but it's no Zelda.  Pros: spectacularly gorgeous, great soundtrack, should be awesome to control the paint brush with the Wii remote.  Con: the game wears out its welcome and drags horribly for the last third or so.  Still, it looks to be a really good port for the amount of time they had to work on it.  If you haven't played it at all yet and you like the genre, I'd recommend getting it to encourage more good 3rd party stuff on the Wii.

Regarding Mario Kart : … sc&start=0

A LOT of gamers over here ain't happy!

Ryu Mar 5, 2008

Does Brawl have a EU release date yet?

Okami Wii got delayed here because of it.

Ephidel Mar 5, 2008

Ryu wrote:

Does Brawl have a EU release date yet?

Okami Wii got delayed here because of it.

In a recent interview, Reggie had a question raised about the speed with which MKWii was coming out in Europe. He made a passing remark saying that "it's because they won't get Brawl until Fall."

NoE continually resist actually stating a release date due to the fact that they think MKWii will shut everyone up! Now, there's a boycott........

Bureaucracy sucks in the EU and that's what's holding it up.

Qui-Gon Joe Mar 5, 2008

Ephidel wrote:

Regarding Mario Kart : … sc&start=0

A LOT of gamers over here ain't happy!

Wow.  Thanks for reinforcing my belief that I should avoid every single other message board on the internet but this one because of idiocy.

Ephidel Mar 5, 2008 (edited Mar 5, 2008)

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
Ephidel wrote:

Regarding Mario Kart : … sc&start=0

A LOT of gamers over here ain't happy!

Wow.  Thanks for reinforcing my belief that I should avoid every single other message board on the internet but this one because of idiocy.

Read the whole thread, hell, read the whole forum! Lots and lots and lots of information can be gleened from it!

I'm personally expecting Zane to be interested in this *crosses fingers* smile

The forum in general that is, not necessarily this particular thread. And the forums are full of fanboys and morons, so if you thought I was bad.......

shame on you roll !

Stephen Mar 5, 2008

I have a DS Lite, an Xbox360 Pro (Falcon motherboard), and a Wii.  I have a PS2 as well.

I tend to have a "play it, trade it" mentality.  I rarely keep any game unless it is dirt cheap and worth no trade-in.  The only DS game I have kept so far is Puzzle Quest.

On the Wii, I have kept these games (I had others which I traded in already).
Resident Evil 4: Wii
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Super Mario Galaxy
Ghost Squad
Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn (which I would trade in, if I finish the thing)

On my Xbox 360, I have kept these games
Earth Defense Force 2017
Wartech: Senko no Ronde
Eternal Sonata (got it cheap at a CompUSA closeout)
Dynasty Wars: Gundam (got it cheap at a CompUSA closeout)
Phantasy Star Universe

I agree with others that it is a bad value proposition to buy an Xbox 360 Pro without the wireless adapter and without the ability to buy a medium-sized hard drive.  The 120 GB drive for $180 retail is a rip-off.  That is the cost of Rock Band!

Ryu Mar 5, 2008

Why exactly is the wireless adaptor so important?  A 20GB hard drive can last you if you don't buy up a lot of XBLA games, hoarde demos, and go crazy on a lot of the overpriced XBLVM stuff (even if you go for RockBand and its never ending stream of DLC).  It is amazing how stupid MS prices things though; I agree that the 120 GB is priced at a rip-off.

XLord007 Mar 5, 2008 (edited Mar 5, 2008)

Ryu wrote:

Why exactly is the wireless adaptor so important?

I have no desire to run cables all over the house just to connect a video game machine to the interweb.  The DS, PSP, Wii, and PS3 all have built-in WiFi, so Nintendo and Sony obviously get it.  Microsoft, on the other hand, thinks you should pay $100 extra for the privilege.

PerfectZer0 Mar 6, 2008

Ryu wrote:

Call of Duty 2 and 4 (and 3, which I'm curious why you didn't list)

I used to own Call of Duty 3.  I bought it the day it came out and took it back the next day.  Hated it.  Such a pile of garbage when compared to Call of Duty 2.  Thankfully Infinity Ward returned  to the series with Call of Duty 4.  Wicked.

Ryu wrote:

I'd like to give Lost Odyssey a shot (what's with the Jefferson Airplane song playing during its commercial?)

Go for it, if you like old school style JRPG gameplay with a great story then by all means get it.  As for the commercial...well it's just a commercial I couldn't tell ya why they picked that song, but in the end it doesnt matter because the game IS good.  The characters are cool as hell, you'll get a kick out of Jasen with almost every scene he is in.   The gameplay has some cool elements to it but nothing revolutionary for the genre, but it's not meant to be.  It's a game with a real old school feel to it, and does it with style.  I'm currently on the fourth it.

Ryu Mar 6, 2008

^ Yeah, Infinity Ward should be the only people who make Call of Duty games.

As for Lost Odyssey, May has no new releases, so that might be my best chance to play it, depending on IF I get GTAIV and, assuming I do, when I finish it.

Stephen Mar 6, 2008

Ryu wrote:

Why exactly is the wireless adaptor so important?  A 20GB hard drive can last you if you don't buy up a lot of XBLA games, hoarde demos, and go crazy on a lot of the overpriced XBLVM stuff (even if you go for RockBand and its never ending stream of DLC).  It is amazing how stupid MS prices things though; I agree that the 120 GB is priced at a rip-off.

The wireless adapter is important to me for the same reason as XLord007 states: too many wires would be present.  It is a bit silly that other consoles support wireless but not Xbox 360.  I do think this is a deliberate money grab by Microsoft, just like the harddrive.

I am interested in buying XBLA games, so the hard drive space is a concern.

Angela Apr 13, 2008 (edited Apr 13, 2008)

Angela wrote:

I'm actually still comtemplating whether to get the 40GB or the 80GB PS3 Dual Shock 3/MGS4 bundle pack.  I like the idea of the more power-efficient and quieter-running 40GB, especially when running Blu-ray movies, but the 80GB is the better value when taking the individual components into consideration.

Well, this is rather a neat feature, and one that makes me glad I picked up the 40GB model.  Thanks to the peeps at NeoGAF for pointing out this video: … easy-test/

I gave it a try myself, and I'm surprised at just how much dust blew out in the short time that I've owned the system.  It is scarily loud, though.  The running joke is that it's doing a normal 360 impression; does the system really get THAT noisy? o_O

Idolores Apr 13, 2008

Angela wrote:

The running joke is that it's doing a normal 360 impression; does the system really get THAT noisy? o_O

Like trucks goin' by on the freeway, miss.

Wanderer Apr 14, 2008

The 360 is pretty loud, but honestly, I don't notice it. My computer is underneath it (the desk it's on, that is) and it makes enough noise to drown out every console I have.

Oh, and I finally have a Wii. It's really shiny. I'm having a lot of fun renting games and catching up on the sadly meager library...

fusoya Apr 14, 2008

I have a DS Lite and a Wii.  Currently the Wii is getting most of the attention thanks to Brawl.

I'd like to get a PS3 (for FFXIII and MGS4) or a 360 (for Lost Odyssey), but I won't be able to afford that until after a new computer, a new car and a hi-def tv.  :-)

Red HamsterX Apr 14, 2008 (edited Apr 14, 2008)

I thought I already responded to this, but I was confused.

I've got Wii (launch day), a 60GB PS3 (purchased just before they disappeared), a DS Lite (replaced my heavier DS), and one of those early-edition Disgaea-running Sony portables because, well, it has Disgaea (and maybe other stuff).

There's no way I'm going to be picking up Microsoft's console at any point ever.

Of these, my DS library is the largest, with my Wii and PSP libraries roughly balanced (Wii wins by a little bit). My PS3 library is pitiful. (details here)

Zane Apr 14, 2008

Red HamsterX wrote:

My PS3 library is pitiful.

Everyone's is.

Red HamsterX Apr 15, 2008

Zane wrote:
Red HamsterX wrote:

My PS3 library is pitiful.

Everyone's is.

Well, yeah, but I never get tired of saying it. It's, like, every time I speak with anyone else who owns a PS3, my opening comment has to be something like "So, hey, got any games for that thing you bought yet?" even if they know I have one, too. (But it upscales stuff prettily, which is good enough for me)

Similar experiences? Anyone?

Stephen Apr 15, 2008

I have a Wii, DS Lite, and Xbox 360.  I only got Xbox 360 initially for Phantasy Star Universe.

However, after reading more about Microsoft's design of this system and control over peripherals and Xbox Live, I think I would rather have a PS3.

allyourbaseare Apr 15, 2008

Red HamsterX wrote:
Zane wrote:
Red HamsterX wrote:

My PS3 library is pitiful.

Everyone's is.

Well, yeah, but I never get tired of saying it. It's, like, every time I speak with anyone else who owns a PS3, my opening comment has to be something like "So, hey, got any games for that thing you bought yet?" even if they know I have one, too. (But it upscales stuff prettily, which is good enough for me)

Similar experiences? Anyone?

Off the top of my head I can whole-heartedly recommend two titles that made the PS3 worth $500 (I got the 80 gig). 

Pixeljunk Monsters
I created a topic here, but no one seemed to pay attention.  Anyways, there is a demo now, should any of you need convincing that the game isn't worth 10 bucks.  I think I've beaten this game at least 3 times and I keep coming back to it.  My wife and I come up with different ways to beat the levels - no fire towers, no laser towers, etc... and I think we've extended the life of the game infinitely.  Like I said before, 2 player co-op is fantastic.  One of the best games on the PS3. 

I'm a sucker for JRPG's or Action-RPG's, which this is.  It's essentially a grown-up pokemon with RPG elements and real-time combat.  Some of the time spent between worlds can be a little boring, but the plot really shines if you give it time.  This was the first game on the PS3 I played and I wasn't disappointed at all.  Fry's has it now for $40.00.  What are you waiting for?!

I can't say that I'm looking forward to MGS4 or GTA4 - having played neither of the series.  Soul Calibur 4 looks fun - Why Vader, Why?!

Red HamsterX Apr 15, 2008

allyourbaseare wrote:

Pixeljunk Monsters
I created a topic here, but no one seemed to pay attention.  Anyways, there is a demo now, should any of you need convincing that the game isn't worth 10 bucks.  I think I've beaten this game at least 3 times and I keep coming back to it.  My wife and I come up with different ways to beat the levels - no fire towers, no laser towers, etc... and I think we've extended the life of the game infinitely.  Like I said before, 2 player co-op is fantastic.  One of the best games on the PS3.

I'm planning to buy some of the online-published titles when my backlogs aren't quite so menacing. It's just too easy to put off buying these games because there's no reason to believe they won't always be available. sad

(I'm guilty of repeatedly passing on Everyday Shooter, too)

allyourbaseare wrote:

I'm a sucker for JRPG's or Action-RPG's, which this is.  It's essentially a grown-up pokemon with RPG elements and real-time combat.  Some of the time spent between worlds can be a little boring, but the plot really shines if you give it time.  This was the first game on the PS3 I played and I wasn't disappointed at all.  Fry's has it now for $40.00.  What are you waiting for?!

Actually, that's pretty much exactly what I was waiting for. 'Cept I don't live in America, so I'll need to wait for that price to spread to Canada. Or pick it up this summer, when I'm at AX.

allyourbaseare wrote:

I can't say that I'm looking forward to MGS4 or GTA4 - having played neither of the series.  Soul Calibur 4 looks fun - Why Vader, Why?!

No interest in the first two, either. MGS never caught when I gave it chances in the past, and GTA *really* doesn't seem like my kind of series. And it's good to find someone else who's willing to admit it.

I'll be picking up SCIV if reviews are generally positive, if only because it seems like others here will be doing the same.

Angela Apr 15, 2008

Red HamsterX wrote:

I'll be picking up SCIV if reviews are generally positive, if only because it seems like others here will be doing the same.

Speaking of Soul Calibur IV, it looks like it's officially dated for July 29th in North America.  As what's rapidly becoming the norm these days, it'll be coming in both regular and premium editions:

allyourbaseare wrote:

Soul Calibur 4 looks fun - Why Vader, Why?!

What, you'd rather have Yoda?  Puh-leeze.

Adoru Apr 16, 2008

If you like video games at all, and own a PS3, you have to play Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. It's absolutely beautiful and fun to play, with plenty of huge and varied levels, and that's coming from someone who usually sticks to rpgs. I also strongly recommend Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Devil May Cry 4 and Uncharted Drake's Fortune. I personally own 16 PS3 games and I like most of them. Keep in mind the 360 has a whole year worth of advance as far as software release is concerned (if you're going to compare the two system's software library), and just remember that the PS2 didn't have such a great start either release-wise, yet still became the system with the biggest game library.

Ryu Apr 16, 2008

Guh, what's with the damn limited editions!  And extra in-game content?  If I find out what it is and care, it might be the third PS3 game I buy... and might actually keep this one (unlike Resistance, which I didn't even play long, and Burnout Paradise, which ate up 50 hours before I ALMOST 100%ed but traded it in).

allyourbaseare Apr 16, 2008

Angela wrote:
allyourbaseare wrote:

Soul Calibur 4 looks fun - Why Vader, Why?!

What, you'd rather have Yoda?  Puh-leeze.

Actually, I'd rather have someone more "natural" to the series.  Link made sense for some odd reason, but Star Wars.... I dunno.

Just the fact that Mitsurugi (spelling?) was showing clashing his sword against the lightsaber just doesn't feel right to me.  I mean really.

Angela Apr 16, 2008

allyourbaseare wrote:

Link made sense for some odd reason,

It's too bad he won't be in this one.  Seems like he and newcomer Scheherazade would really hit it off.

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