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Angela Oct 5, 2010 (edited Oct 6, 2010)

It'll be a while yet before I get to play WayForward's all new Shantae title -- so while SonicPanda and other lucky DSi owners get it on with Risky's Revenge, I'll be finding comfort in replaying the original Shantae for the Gameboy Color.

Like the first game, Jake Kaufman's made his score to Risky's Revenge available for listen.  (If you like it, show thy support, and throw a couple of bucks toward virt's way.)

Burning Town never sounded better.  Its 'Forever' remix is even more awesome!

SonicPanda Oct 7, 2010

A fun game it is. I was initially going to put it off until I had S-Ranked Mighty Flip Champs for the tie-in bonus, but when I found out it's just extra money at the outset, I wasn't going to hesitate any longer.

Is anyone else playing?

Angela Oct 9, 2010

The graphical prowess of the original Shantae never ceases to amaze me.  How on earth did WayForward get mid-generation Game Boy Advance quality stuff out of a Game Boy Color title?

I'd forgotten how demanding the original game can be.  The temptation to run-dash through the game is a fatal mistake, as enemies are always popping out in the most inconvenient places.  They'll also score cheap hits if you're not careful enough. 

I've been spending the last half hour grinding the snake enemies at the Waterfall for gems.  Been hoarding health Vials to be on the safe side, but what sort of FIGHTERS EQUIPMENT should I invest in first?

Night Travel 2 majorly rocks.

XLord007 Nov 26, 2010

I want this game BADLY, but I refuse to buy a DSi when I know the 3DS is right around the corner, so I will wait. sad  I'm almost caved on Sunday when Target had the DSi on sale for $120, but somehow I managed to hold firm.

Angela Jun 6, 2011 (edited Jun 6, 2011)

I'm curious to see how the screen ratio turns out for DSiware games on the 3DS.  As mentioned in the 3DS thread, regular DS games look like shit when upscaled to the bigger native screens -- while shrinking the resolution makes it look sharper but at the exorbitant cost of image size.

XLord007 Jun 6, 2011

Angela wrote:

I'm curious to see how the screen ratio turns out for DSiware games on the 3DS.  As mentioned in the 3DS thread, regular DS games look like shit when upscaled to the bigger native screens -- while shrinking the resolution makes it look sharper but at the exorbitant cost of image size.

I can't imagine it would be any different for DSiWare games since they have the same resolution as DS games.  I've been playing Okamiden on my 3DS and I think it looks just fine, so I'm not too worried about it.

XLord007 Aug 22, 2011

Finally started this tonight.  I put about 2.5 hours in and made it to the second dungeon.  In short, I love it.  Beautiful graphics, nice music, snappy writing, and tighter controls than the first one.  This is the most expensive game on DSiWare for a reason: it's the best.  Period.

Qui-Gon Joe Aug 22, 2011

Has anyone compared how this looks on the DSi vs. the 3DS?  Since I have both consoles (and have no desire to get rid of my DSi- I like its form better than the 3DS and standard DS games generally look way better on it), which version should I be looking at?

Also, it would be aaaaaaaaaawesome if the original Shantae went up on 3DS as a virtual console game.  But that would require that there actually be, ya know, 3rd party virtual console games ever.  >:(

Angela Aug 23, 2011

It looks like what you'd expect DS games to look like on the 3DS: bigger but blurrier when fit to screen, ultra sharp but tiny when letter boxed.  I prefer the latter myself, especially for a such a pixel-heavy game like Shantae.   

Visually, the DSi is the way to go -- and since you prefer its form factor over the 3DS's, it should be a no brainer.  Personally, I love the 3DS's circle pad.  It's a joy to use, even for platformers such as this.

XLord007 Sep 9, 2011

Finished it earlier this week.  All in all, I loved it, and I highly recommend it to all DSi and 3DS owners (and soon, iOS owners).  Hopefully WayForward won't make us wait another eight years for the third one.

Qui-Gon Joe Sep 9, 2011

Angela wrote:

It looks like what you'd expect DS games to look like on the 3DS: bigger but blurrier when fit to screen, ultra sharp but tiny when letter boxed.  I prefer the latter myself, especially for a such a pixel-heavy game like Shantae.   

Visually, the DSi is the way to go -- and since you prefer its form factor over the 3DS's, it should be a no brainer.  Personally, I love the 3DS's circle pad.  It's a joy to use, even for platformers such as this.

Oops, I didn't notice this reply until now.  Thanks!  I'll probably just go for it on DSi then.

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