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Ryu May 9, 2006

Not for PS3 oddly enough.  No mention that it was exclusive to the 360 or not, but so far it seems so.

Fable 2 was also announced, but since it'll most likely be shown at every E3 for the rest of the decade before coming out and disappointing us all, there's not much to really worry about there.

Jay May 9, 2006

Nice - was that Halo tattoo real?

I love a good GTA. I don't have a 360 but there is a while to go yet.

Ryu May 9, 2006

I don't know, but GTA exclusivity will move plenty of 360s late next year... for that cash cow, I'm certain he'd have happily put such a real tattoo anywhere Rockstar suggested.  I don't like this idea of marketplace episodic downloading, but it has me intrigued enough to keep up on it as info is released.

Jay May 9, 2006

Did they say it was exclusive?

I'm with you on the episodic content - I can't help feeling that's always an excuse to release a half-finished game. It depends on what they do with it I suppose.

Razakin May 9, 2006

It's not exclusive: Rockstar's site has also PS3 in the bottom.

Bill C. May 9, 2006 (edited May 9, 2006)

It's not exclusive.

As per Take 2 itself, the X360 gets its version on October 16.  The PS3 will have its own version, though, and the words "simultaneously available" were it may well be out ahead of the PSgrill itself.

EDIT: drat, Razakin beat me to it...

Ryu May 9, 2006

No, they didn't say it was.  I'm just saying that I'm certain he'd take such a tattoo anywhere on the body for it.  Honestly, between the PS3 and the 360, the 360 seems more accessible to the mass market and offers a solid and stable online experience.  I cannot figure out why Kojima and Square-Enix and Capcom, with DMC4, are set for that system.  If Rockstar did choose the 360 for GTA exclusivity, it would be a smarter decision.

Seriously, Sony may have its "Playstation" and its own name to move systems, but that doesn't do it alone.  System-selling software does it though, so it makes no sense why MGS4 or DMC4 or FFXIII is destined for the PS3---people want those games, the system price is a major hurdle that isn't necessary if they went with the 360.

At any rate, that's just a tangent, but it does make me curious.

Wanderer May 9, 2006

The PC will undoubtedly have a version as well.

XLord007 May 9, 2006

Ryu wrote:

System-selling software does it though, so it makes no sense why MGS4 or DMC4 or FFXIII is destined for the PS3---people want those games, the system price is a major hurdle that isn't necessary if they went with the 360.

The reason is simple: MGS4, DMC4, and FFXIII are from Japanese companies that care about the Japanese market and the X360 is a complete failure in Japan.  It's doing worse than even the original Xbox.  Naturally you could argue that the 360 would do better if it had those games, but those kind of committments would have to have been clearly made public prior to the system's launch.  As it stands now, Blue Dragon may be the X360's last hope for success in Japan.

XLord007 May 9, 2006

Bill C. wrote:

It's not exclusive.

As per Take 2 itself, the X360 gets its version on October 16.  The PS3 will have its own version, though, and the words "simultaneously available" were it may well be out ahead of the PSgrill itself.

Still to be discovered is whether or not the PS3 version will support the additional episodic content Peter Moore promised that the X360 version will have.

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