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vert1 Jul 18, 2011 (edited Jul 19, 2011)

After many years of praising this device I now have one in my possession. I'd recommend everyone who owns a Gamecube to pick one up since Acreplaycentral's forums have people hacking for it still. In the next couple days (or weeks) I will be putting up videos showing off stuff in games for it. Right now enjoy a picture.


Qui-Gon Joe Jul 18, 2011

Ah, the Action Replay.  The Gamecube is the only console where I ever felt I NEEDED a cheating device, since Nintendo never bothered providing an official means for getting all the NES games in Animal Crossing OR F-Zero AX arcade machines damn near ANYWHERE to get the additional courses for that.  BAH.

Amazingu Jul 18, 2011

I only ever owned an Action Replay for PSX, because it was necessary to get some imported games to run properly.

I messed with it in other games as well, and it can be fun, but it also resulted in a lot of crashes, bugs and glitches, I seem to recall...

avatar! Jul 18, 2011

vert1 wrote:

After many years of praising this device I now have one in my possession. I'd recommend everyone who owns a Gamecube to pick one up since Acreplaycentral's forums have people hacking for it still. In the next couple days I will be putting up videos showing off stuff in games for it. Right now enjoy a picture.

Not sure whan an action replay is? Also not sure what that pic is either?

vert1 Jul 19, 2011 (edited Jul 19, 2011)

The picture is from Resident Evil 4. Action Replay is a device that allows you to enter codes/hacks for games (lets you access SSBM debug mode for example) and play import games on.

Here is something to chew on for now:

RE4 New Hacks Teaser

Angela Jul 19, 2011

GameGenie, GameShark, Goldfinger, Pro/Action Replay..... I imagine I must have owned a cheat device for every console ever made.  Most of the time they were for shits and giggles, but they proved to be real assets from time to time. 

Like Amazingu said, the PSOne AR was crucial to get certain import titles to work properly on a modded system.  Bust a Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix, Vib Ribbon, and various Bemani titles were among some of the ones I remembered. 

GameGenie for SNES was a savior when playing co-op titles like Contra III: The Alien Wars and Legend of the Mystical Ninja.  99 lives and infinite health gave my novice friends a leg-up when we were attempting to plow through the games together.

Short of visiting a DS Station download center in Japan, I think PAR was the only way to unlock the Elite Beat Agents in Ouendan 2.

I don't remember using the devices for RPGs much, but I did have a ball on my second playthrough of Final Fantasy X.  Giving oneself a bountiful number of spheres meant opening up a whole new world of character customization on the Sphere Grid.

And, one of my favorite codes of all: opening up the four Shadaloo bosses for play in the original SNES Street Fighter II.  (Yes, these were the days before Champion Edition.)  It glitched like a bitch, but it was ridiculously awesome playing the likes of Claw and Dictator, albeit in an extremely limited capacity.

Smeg Jul 19, 2011

I can't see anything I recognize except for flash glare. I recognize that.

Amazingu Jul 19, 2011

Angela wrote:

Like Amazingu said, the PSOne AR was crucial to get certain import titles to work properly on a modded system.  Bust a Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix, Vib Ribbon, and various Bemani titles were among some of the ones I remembered.

I remember pretty much every major Square RPG needing this at some point: FF8, Legend of Mana, Chrono Cross, they all needed AR codes to work...

Idolores Jul 20, 2011

Had a Game Genie for the NES that I found on the playground once. Used a bunch of codes to beat Heat Man and Quick Man. Felt weird after, stopped using it.

Saved up enough money to buy a Game Genie for my Gameboy. Used it to f--- around with Megaman I-V. never needed it to seriously beat a Megaman game at that point. Shit was pretty cash.

Used my friends' Gameshark on the PS1 for Ridge Racer Type 4 to unlock the Pac-Man car. For those that don't recall, you needed to unlock every car in the game to get it, which is something like a hojillion goddamn cars. I just used the code because I hated grip racing in that game.

vert1 Dec 20, 2011 (edited Dec 20, 2011)

Just filled up a memory card of action replay RE4 Mercenary footage. You guys should enjoy it. I'm gonna edit it up with imovie and upload it soon.

RE4 Action Replay Holy Sh*t Moments

the very beginning played backwards looks uber awesome btw. it's like some zone of enders the second runner shit (aesthetics-wise).

Ashley Winchester Dec 21, 2011

I mainly use these devices to poke around and see unfinished portions of given games: items that exist but are unattainable, etc.

Still, there was one time the PS1 gameshark actually help me solve a riddle. In Wild Arms 2 there's a question at one point that asked "what did you finally get after suffering for three years?" I never understood the question but the answer was "The Holy Grail."

Well, the "Holy Grail" in WA2 is an accessory that prevents instant death. There was no Holy Grail in the first game. Well, actually there was, you could only get it with a Gameshark. I only made the connection after I used the all items code with the original game. The original game came out in 1996 and the sequel came out in 1999 hence three years.

vert1 Apr 26, 2012 (edited Apr 26, 2012)

Does anyone here have a movie editor that allows them to reverse and save videos so that the new video plays backwards? I need some assistance on constructing my next video. (You get to see gruesome footage I recorded before the rest of the web.)

vert1 Sep 1, 2013

New video:

I also have just messed around with the 'All Enemies With Crossbow in Mercernaries' code. This reinforced my belief that RE4 has a superior focal point to Gears of War as it allows you to play with projectiles; you can dodge them, intercept them by shooting (sidenote: the code of slow motion really helps here), and actually see them traveling towards you (instead of instantly getting shot). It would be amusing to use this code in the main game, particularly that area where you crouch behind a small wall.

Will upload footage of that stuff later this year.

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