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Angela Aug 3, 2008

Nekobo wrote:

Here's my interview with David Hayter from Anime Expo 2008. … ntID=95121

He's a really chill, laid back guy. It was a lot of fun just shooting the breeze with him during and after the interview. Definitely one of the most enjoyable interviews I've done.

Neat interview.  Just a quick correction though, where he mentions Kris Zimmerman.  Kris is a "she", not a "he."

On a related note, I finally got around to watching the making-of Blu-ray disc.  I've always wondered what Kris' ex-hubby Patric Zimmerman looked like - he actually kinda looks like Ocelot, but with a biker look flair. o_O

Angela Nov 9, 2008

XLord007 wrote:

Act 1: For me, this really felt like MGS4.  You're forced to adapt to a very different kind of MGS experience, and only this act showcased the "No Place to Hide" tagline that Kojima promoted so heavily.

You know, I'm starting the game yet again after a two month hiatus (for me, that's an eternity!), and I take back much of what I've said about Act 1.  It's bloody brilliant, and has ended up being my favorite Act in the whole game.  Like XLord stated, the level is structured on getting you into the new gameplay system, and the minimal weapons/items approach at this early part of the game really places Metal Gear Solid back at its core.  There's also more routes, high/low levels, and nooks and crannies to explore and utilize than any other act in the game.  Even after getting your equipment back when meeting the Mk. II, I've found that I can take a very minimalist approach by just using the Stun Knife and a deliberately non-suppressed M4 Custom), and still get by the heavy warzone areas unscathed.

Angela Jan 3, 2009 (edited Jan 3, 2009)

Metal Gear fangirl Sadie UltraNeko puts together another amusing MGS-related video.  This one pulls together David Hayter, Jennifer Hale, Paul Eiding, Christopher Randolph and Quinton Flynn for a faux "group therapy" improv session.  Careful, MGS4 spoilers are present:

allyourbaseare Jan 8, 2009

After reading through the last two pages of WHITE TEXT, I'm still up in the air about getting the game or not.  I think I'd really like to play MGS4, but if it comes with the requesite play-throughs of 1-3, then I don't know.  I finish maybe one game a month and so it looks like 2-3 months of dedicated MGS time before I can get to the conclusion.  Any thoughts from our resident MGS expert/fantatic?

the_miker Jan 8, 2009

allyourbaseare wrote:

After reading through the last two pages of WHITE TEXT, I'm still up in the air about getting the game or not.  I think I'd really like to play MGS4, but if it comes with the requesite play-throughs of 1-3, then I don't know.  I finish maybe one game a month and so it looks like 2-3 months of dedicated MGS time before I can get to the conclusion.  Any thoughts from our resident MGS expert/fantatic?

Play the whole series only if you want to witness some of the finest plot and overall storytelling in video game history.  Personally I think MGS1-4 is something every gamer should experience at least once in their life, if not more.  But yes, to actually answer your question, definitely play the first three before MGS4 or you'll be missing a lot.


Angela Jan 8, 2009

the_miker wrote:

Play the whole series only if you want to witness some of the finest plot and overall storytelling in video game history.  Personally I think MGS1-4 is something every gamer should experience at least once in their life, if not more.  But yes, to actually answer your question, definitely play the first three before MGS4 or you'll be missing a lot.

Mike's right on point.  The first three games are pretty much a necessity for one to fully grasp the numerous story threads that conclude in MGS4.  I can't possibly imagine how lost you must've felt from reading those walls of white text. :p

Idolores Jan 8, 2009

The Miker is right. Not only are the first three essential for the storyline, but in their own right as well. I can't imagine a better conglomeration of gameplay, storyline, music, voicing and everything in between.

Probably gonna get slapped down in some way for sayin' that, but that is how I feel.

allyourbaseare Jan 9, 2009

sad  Alright.  After Uncharted I'll begin MGS1.  Thanks everyone.

Angela Jan 9, 2009

allyourbaseare wrote:

:(  Alright.

Buck up, pally.  If you really do get into MGS1, then I suspect you'll be dying to play through the rest of them without regret.

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