Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Aran Nov 30, 2014

Now that the game is out, what do you all think? I don't know if I'm going to write an entire review, but since this is Soundtrack Central, a music site, I'll say that it has alot of new music. It also has many song choices for the game's main menus. I love using the Melee and Brawl trophy songs.

vert1 Feb 4, 2016

Corrin from Fire Emblem and Bayonetta are now available.

Ashley Winchester Feb 4, 2016

I've played this game a few times at my friends house and... all I have to say is I don't know how anyone can even play this thing.

This isn't a jab at it's quality... how can you guys (and anyone else out there) keep focus on their damn character? I end up killing myself more than anything. It's Perfect Dark for me all over again hmm

I'm sure if I played it more it'd get use to it but I can't help but find the pace and sheer mayhem of matches very intimidating.

vert1 Feb 4, 2016

What mode and number of players are you experiencing?

Sometimes it does get too chaotic (8 person free-for-all). I find team battles is the easiest mode for visual awareness since it highlights your character with the team color.

Ashley Winchester Feb 4, 2016

vert1 wrote:

What mode and number of players are you experiencing?

Sometimes it does get too chaotic (8 person free-for-all). I find team battles is the easiest mode for visual awareness since it highlights your character with the team color.

8 player, it's just visual overload to me.

vert1 Feb 4, 2016

It's impressive to get an 8 player match going. I find that character identity confusion happens mostly in the beginning of the match. You should get used to it if you keep playing. Try starting out with larger characters (Bowser, DK, etc.).

XLord007 Feb 5, 2016

It's a lot more manageable if you go into the options and turn most of the items off. Just pick a few to keep it interesting.

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