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XLord007 Jun 7, 2006

To summarize:

-Wii price and date to be revealed by Sept.

-Pokemon Battle Revolution (Wii) in Japan before the end of 2006 (essentially Pokemon Stadium for Diamond/Pearl)

-Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (DS) will have WiFi play plus voice chat for people on your friends list

-DS can be used as a wireless touch screen controller for Wii and Pokemon Battle Revolution will utilize this feature

-WiiConnect service will offer downloadable demos of DS games

-Brand new Virtual Console games will sell for between ¥500 and ¥1000; still no pricing announced for retro VC games

-4 million Wii systems to be shipped worldwide by end of 2006 with 6 million to be shipped by the end of March 2006 (same projection as Sony for the PS3 -- neither are realistic)

-New SMB is the fastest selling DS game in Japan so far (over 1.25 million shipped in two weeks)

-DS system itself is selling faster than either GBA or PS2 did following their Japanese introductions

-Dragon Quest Monsters DS is rumored to have WiFi play as well

-NCSX is selling U.S. DS Lites ahead of street date for a pricey $145

Datschge Jun 8, 2006

XLord007 wrote:

-New SMB is the fastest selling DS game in Japan so far (over 1.25 million shipped in two weeks)

That's actually the sold number, they shipped 1.5 millions and have to take a break for one week without additional shipments as they can't produce more of the quickly enough... the DS related stuff happening in Japan and Europe is crazy.

XLord007 Jun 8, 2006

Datschge wrote:

That's actually the sold number, they shipped 1.5 millions and have to take a break for one week without additional shipments as they can't produce more of the quickly enough... the DS related stuff happening in Japan and Europe is crazy.

The numbers I posted were from IGN and IGN said Nintendo quoted them from Media Create.  I like yours better though. :-)

On a different note, why is it that we can get weekly Japanese unit sales while U.S. sales are rarely revealed?

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 8, 2006

XLord007 wrote:

On a different note, why is it that we can get weekly Japanese unit sales while U.S. sales are rarely revealed?

Because comparatively, Japan is miniscule and has ABSOLUTELY INSANE inventory control.  How else would they know that exactly 8 new xboxes were sold a couple weeks back?  tongue

TerraEpon Jun 8, 2006

Yeah, supposedly the numbers sometimes quoted in the US don't include Wal Mart, which is also (supposedly) the largest seller of video games.


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