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bluefish Jun 22, 2006 (edited Jun 22, 2006)

The following games could be available at your Circuit City for $8.97 each (not online though). The sale IS definitely going on at some places, as many have reported snagging these deals, but others have reported no luck. However, be sure to get the items rung up -- the items are usually still marked at full price, but ring up on sale.

Edit: some proof for the skeptical wink

Advance Wars Dual Strike
Dig Dug
Dragon Ball Z Super Sonic Warriors 2
Finding Nemo
Guilty Gear
The Incredibles
King Kong
Lunar Dragon Song
Madden 2005
Marvel Nemesis
Metroid Prime Pinball
Monster Truck DS
Need For Speed Underground 2
Pac N Roll
Scooby Doo Unmasked
Sponge Bob Yellow Avenger
Star Wars Episode 3 (conflicting reports. YMMV)
Tak Great Juju
Tiger Woods PGA
Trace Memory
The Urbz
Ultimate Spiderman

Donkey Kong: King of Swing
Dr. Mario/Puzzle League
Drill Dozer
Final Fantasy I & II
Final Fantasy IV Advance
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Grand Theft Auto
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Mario Party Advance
Metroid (the oldies version)
Metroid Zero Mission
Nightmare Before Christmas
Pitfall/Zelda Four Swords (Double Pack)
Pokemon Saphire
Sigma Star Saga
Sword Of Mana
Tales Of Phantasia
Wario Ware Inc
Yoshi Topsy Turvy (Conflicting reports, YMMV)
Yu Gi oh Reshef of Destruction
Yu Gi Oh 7 Trials to Glory

Stephen Jun 22, 2006

URL is gone...

bluefish Jun 23, 2006

Did anyone check their CC? Missed out on the AAA titles, but I managed to get Curse of Darkness, We <3 Katamari, Dr Mario Puzzle League, Pokemon Sapphire, Polarium, Trace Memory, Sword of Mana and Drill Dozer for the 8.96 price. The one I actually wanted, FFIV-A, rang up at full price for some reason. If anyone found it and wants to trade, lemme know big_smile

Zane Jun 24, 2006

I popped in and got Polarium and Trace Memory for the sale price. CHING!

avatar! Jun 24, 2006

Dang... if anyone happens to be in a CC, would it be possible to get me any of the following:

Advance Wars Dual Strike
Donkey Kong: King of Swing
Final Fantasy I & II
Final Fantasy IV Advance
Sigma Star Saga
Tales Of Phantasia

I'll (obviously) pay for the games and shipping, plus I'll throw in a soundtrack from my collection for your effort smile

SO, if you can help, let me know!



Zane Jun 24, 2006

Avatar, if I go out this afternoon I'll get you DK and Sigma Star. Those were the only two titles I saw at the Circuit City nearby.

Kirin Lemon Jun 24, 2006

I'm still after DK: King of Swing and Drill Dozer, should anyone happen to find any extra copies of those.

avatar! Jun 24, 2006

Zane wrote:

Avatar, if I go out this afternoon I'll get you DK and Sigma Star. Those were the only two titles I saw at the Circuit City nearby.

Thanks!  Appreciate it smile


Qui-Gon Joe Jun 24, 2006 (edited Jun 24, 2006)

Quick question - does anyone know how much text there is in Screw Breaker/Drill Dozer?  I might nab the Japanese version just to get more Club Nintendo points (ugh... that G&W Collection is still so far off!)

POPOBOT5000 Jun 24, 2006

Just in case anyone was wondering like I was, the "Pitfall/Zelda Four Swords (Double Pack)" isn't those two games on one cart, they're just the two individual games bundled together for some reason. That was the only title I was interested in that was still in stock at my particular branch. Somebody had grabbed the last copy of Metroid: Zero Mission just moments before I got there.

Schala Jun 24, 2006

Argh! Our CC is completely picked over...either that or they're being typical CC in stocking like 1% of their titles, all of which are crappy ones. If anyone has the sale going on in their area, could you please get me the following games? Then let me know and we can discuss reimbursement:

Dig Dug
Goldeneye (2 copies)
Trace Memory

Dr. Mario/Puzzle League (2 copies)
Drill Dozer
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Tales Of Phantasia


shdwrlm3 Jun 24, 2006

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Quick question - does anyone know how much text there is in Screw Breaker/Drill Dozer?  I might nab the Japanese version just to get more Club Nintendo points (ugh... that G&W Collection is still so far off!)

Been a while since I played Screw Breaker, but from what I remember, there's quite a bit of text. I got through most of it okay with my extremely limited Japanese, but there were one or two puzzles that tripped me up. There's good FAQ up for it at GameFAQs, though, so I'd say go for it.

bluefish Jun 24, 2006

I have the following extras from this sale...I thought about putting this in Marketplace, I hope it's ok here.

Pokemon Sapphire / GBA
Tales of Phantasia / GBA
Trace Memory / DS
Lunar Dragon Song / DS
Exit / PSP
Burnout Revenge / XBX
Dr Mario Puzzle League / GBA (opened to play for a bit, but I don't think I will keep it)
Castlevania Curse of Darkness / PS2

Unforunately there weren't enough copies left to satisfy everyone here :\

I would prefer trades over money right now, preferably for these games in order of preference...I would expect used, they just need to be complete and in good condition.

Ouendan / DS
Suikoden V / PS2-NTSC
Kingdom Hearts II / PS2-NTSC
Mario-Luigi PiT / DS
Zelda Minish Cap / GBA

For some of those I'd trade multiple of the titles I have. If you think we can make a deal, feel free to email. If I can't manage to get the trades I want (trying elsewhere too) I will probably sell these at a reasonable price, giving preference to you STC folks smile

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