Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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JasonMalice Oct 26, 2007

What is everyone up to these days?  I haven't been been on in a few months; and things always change.

I am out of the military now, and attending medical school in Poland.

That is about it, besides being busy.
Extremely busy.

GoldfishX Oct 26, 2007

1. Working
2. Looking for a place where I do more work and make more money and is closer to home. My current job is nice and all (good experience, good references lined up and who doesn't love the chance to wear headphones and browse the internet all day?), but it's never been anything more than a stopgap.
3. Currently between semesters (since they didn't offer the one class I needed in the fall, so I "officially" get my degree in the Spring). So, I'm at about the halfway in my five months of getting in applications and enjoying life.

I wouldn't say much as changed...Mentally, I feel more refreshed than I have in years.

Qui-Gon Joe Oct 26, 2007

Back in the US, feeling unhappy about being stuck back at my parents' place, wishing I were getting fewer rejections from job applications.  Generally kind of blah - still feeling guilty about playing video games when I do make the time to do it.

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