Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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SonicPanda Feb 26, 2006

I've been attempting to fiddle with PSX file extraction lately, but I'm completely flummoxed in my efforts to pluck out Silhouette Mirage's voice clips (for a desktop theme, before you ask). I know enough to look for a VAB or VAG file, but everything except the cinemas is in BIN. would I go about rooting in BINs for VABs/VAGs?

oddigy Feb 27, 2006

Download PSound.

Employ PSound on entire disc.

Watch hopefully with glee as the window fills up with nicely extracted sound.

If that doesn't work, try PSMPlay.  It's great with XA files.

I don't remember if I have a copy of that game handy or not... so... I can't give any other detailed info. :\

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