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Zane May 9, 2006

Well, finally! Something I'm looking forward to on the PSP.

Angela May 9, 2006

Shame that it's not a remake; I'm sure Konami could've done wonders with a new version of SH1.  On the other hand, Origins itself is looking very cool, judging by those few screenshots.  The Barricade System sounds intriguing; sort of like what you could in Resident Evil 4?

I'll be keeping an eye out of this one.

.59 May 11, 2006

According to Eurogamer the game's production will be outsourced to Climax. I guess that explains why the monster designs look like bad fanart to me. Yamaoka will compose the game's music and the story will be contributed by the Team Silent, though.

Anyway, even if this game turns out to be a total stinker, Team Silent not working on it means they're probably working on Silent Hill 5 for the PS3. It sure would be great if they were to drag Sato back for Silent Hill 5 (or maybe they could outsource their next game to EA? hehe).


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