Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more




59 minutes total
  1. To Know, Water [1:58]
  2. Heaven was not named [1:28]
  3. Seriola lalandi [3:17]
  4. And the Earth did not yet bear a name [2:51]
  5. Delphinus delphis [4:51]
  6. No field was formed [1:51]
  7. Caranx ignobilis [2:11]
  8. Myliobatis aquila [3:30]
  9. No destinies ordained [2:08]
  10. Balaenoptera musculus [3:58]
  11. Architeuthis [1:00]
  12. Chaos, the mother [4:52]
  13. Arandaspis prionotolepis [4:20]
  14. Elasmosaurus platyurus [3:22]
  15. Ichthyosaurus communis [2:02]
  16. Osteoglossum bicirrhosum [1:15]
  17. Their waters were mingled together [10:14]
  18. Then were created the gods in the midst of Heaven [3:49]
  • Released Aug 2, 2016 by T-65b Records (retail 5.99 USD).
  • Detailed release notes and credits at VGMdb.

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