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the_miker Mar 19, 2008

It's finally out!  I know it isn't the most popular series in the world but if any of you own a PS3 and this game, I'm the_miker on PSN if you wanna go golfing with me sometime. tongue The online lobby is actually fun too.  You walk around these different ares as little avatars and can chat in real-time with other players to set up matches, etc.


allyourbaseare Mar 19, 2008

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a big sports gamer in the first place, but this title has piqued my interest.  If I find it cheap anywhere, I might have to pick it up.  Maybe it's something teh wife and I could play together, eh?

Msia Mar 19, 2008

the_miker wrote:

It's finally out!  I know it isn't the most popular series in the world but if any of you own a PS3 and this game, I'm the_miker on PSN if you wanna go golfing with me sometime. tongue The online lobby is actually fun too.  You walk around these different ares as little avatars and can chat in real-time with other players to set up matches, etc.


Sent a friend request.

allyourbaseare wrote:

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a big sports gamer in the first place, but this title has piqued my interest.  If I find it cheap anywhere, I might have to pick it up.  Maybe it's something teh wife and I could play together, eh?

49.99 at Circuit City this week.  Get it there or pricematch elsewhere.

Zane Mar 19, 2008

allyourbaseare wrote:

Maybe it's something teh wife and I could play together, eh?

I gotta say it's great to see that you're so vocal about playing games with your wife. I feel like some people would just shut out the spouse for some solo game time, but it's great that you can play together. smile

Ok. No more mush. Back to the thread...

Nick G Mar 20, 2008

Zane wrote:
allyourbaseare wrote:

Maybe it's something teh wife and I could play together, eh?

I gotta say it's great to see that you're so vocal about playing games with your wife. I feel like some people would just shut out the spouse for some solo game time, but it's great that you can play together. smile

Ok. No more mush. Back to the thread...

HSG is a magical thing. I started with 3 but it was the only game each member of my family tried out and enjoyed. What's more, whenever I see a golf tournament on TV I don't feel the knee-jerk reaction to change the channel. I can actually watch it. I barely touched HSG Fore! so I hope I'll give OoB some quality time.

allyourbaseare Mar 20, 2008 (edited Mar 20, 2008)

Zane wrote:
allyourbaseare wrote:

Maybe it's something teh wife and I could play together, eh?

I gotta say it's great to see that you're so vocal about playing games with your wife. I feel like some people would just shut out the spouse for some solo game time, but it's great that you can play together. smile

Ok. No more mush. Back to the thread...

Thanks. smile  Don't get me wrong - there are some games that are "My time", but not too many of those are out lately.  I think when Persona 3 FES comes out then we'll see a change. 

Msia wrote:

49.99 at Circuit City this week.  Get it there or pricematch elsewhere.

Maybe.  Money's a little tight right now.  Hopefully I can grab it when it drops to $40, maybe even $30.

edit:  I was under the assumption that this was the game developed by Namco, or even Capcom.  "Clap Hanz"?  It seems that all they've done is this golf series.  The trailer looks phenomenal though.  It's a shame - I'm digging the vibe that the game puts out, but having just recently gotten my wife addicted to SSBB, it might be awhile.  When I get it, I'm adding everyone here.  (I'll add everyone as friends anyway)

TerraEpon Mar 20, 2008

The original game was done by Camelot (who also did the very similar Mario Golf on N64, and Shining Force 3, etc). No idea how much of the same people did the sequels and stuff...


Qui-Gon Joe Mar 20, 2008

TerraEpon wrote:

The original game was done by Camelot (who also did the very similar Mario Golf on N64, and Shining Force 3, etc). No idea how much of the same people did the sequels and stuff...

From what I understand, not many.  Camelot's most recent golf outing is the upcoming one for the Wii published by Capcom.

Datschge Mar 20, 2008

TerraEpon wrote:

No idea how much of the same people did the sequels and stuff...

Well, Masashi Muramori defected from Camelot. Nowadays he's the head of Clap Hanz, developer of the series. He likely was instrumental for making Camelot do a golf game as he (unlike the other staffs) had done golf games since mid 1980s already according to his personal history page.

Carl Mar 21, 2008 (edited Mar 21, 2008)

Talk about carving out a nitch for yourself... 
He's been doing golf games since the 80s??  (ONLY golf games?)

Certainly an interesting career approach.  Guess he figured out his life purpose by now  smile

Datschge Mar 21, 2008

I'm sure he did other games as well (he was at least involved in Shining Force CD and Beyond the Beyond as part of Sonic/Camelot's staff). But his history page focusses only on golf games (mentions Nr.1 Golf for X1 in '84, World Golf for PC88 in '86, with sequels in '88 and '90, all published by Enix incidentally), with the exception of Clap Hanz's recent Minna no Tennis obviously. Raeding through that page makes it sound like he found his purpose of life at age 21. wink

the_miker Mar 22, 2008 (edited Mar 22, 2008)

Man, me and Msia are having a blast with this game online so far.  The tournaments are fun as hell.  Anybody with a PS3 should really pick this fun little game up ASAP!

Also, FYI, in case anyone is liking the music in the game: about 90% of the music in the US version is brand new and is not on the Minna no Golf 5 Original Soundtrack (COCX-34481).  A lot of the new music sounds very Katamari-ish, which I find interesting.  Some of the online lobby tracks from the Japanese version *were* slightly annoying and the new US replacements are much nicer.  The actual course music however, no way, Japanese wins hands down.


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