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avatar! Sep 16, 2016 … d-to-make/

"If handing back a clear feature and sales advantage to your arch rival just when you had them on the ropes isn’t a mistake, then I don’t know what is."

Hmmm, not sure. It does sound like a dumb movie on Sony's part. Thoughts?

Ashley Winchester Sep 17, 2016

I'm not sure if I agree with the article.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't help but believe I read somewhere that the adoption of the Blu Ray by consumers has been somewhat sluggish. If that's true, I can't help but believe the adoption of Ultra Blu Ray would be even more so. If so, is that due to Blu Ray fighting for relevancy against streaming or DLs?

Of course, you'd think the company responsible for the the format would want to push it. Additionally, do Ultra Blu Ray offer more space? If so, you'd think with games now needing to have a normal and pro mode now they'd want that extra space. Wasn't space an issue with certain games like The Last of Us and Uncharted?

The_Paladin Sep 17, 2016

Considering most people don't have 4K television sets the whole ".5" generation Sony and Microsoft are hyping is particularly annoying since this generation hasn't even hit its stride yet and they want to sell people a whole new console.  Would having the player should you buy it be nice? Sure, but in all reality what percentage of people actually care about that or watching any disc based movie on their console?

avatar! Sep 17, 2016

I'm one of those guys that watches movies on my console, so I do care for it. My guess is there are probably more people that care about this than you guess, considering there was a Forbes article just about this. To me, the most perplexing thing is what Ashley noted. Sony developed Blu-ray, and now they are just shoving it aside in their latest PS4 rendition?

Ashley Winchester Sep 17, 2016

avatar! wrote:

I'm one of those guys that watches movies on my console, so I do care for it. My guess is there are probably more people that care about this than you guess, considering there was a Forbes article just about this.

I'll admit I'm not the target audience here, specially since I'm the guy that's still fine with getting things on DVD. I don't think HD is worth shelling out for (I'm still running a SDTV and have resisted offers for people to gift me HDTVs for holidays) but that's just me. I usually LISTEN to TV/Movies in the background instead of WATCHING them (as I've already seem them) so the resolution isn't crucial.

I own like four Blu Rays (personal top favorites) and they're all sealed and were gotten during sales and I've never used the player on my PS3.

That said, the reason I say this is when I got my slim PS2 in 2004 I used THE HELL out of the DVD player in that thing. Personally I wasn't the biggest fan of the slim PS2 but man, I got my money's worth out of my slim PS2 and when it died 10 years after getting it was something to celebrate because of how much millage I got out of it.

Jodo Kast Sep 18, 2016

I would've bought a PS4 Pro had it had 4K blu-ray compatibility. Every review I've read claims that the 4K format (with an HDR equipped 4K TV) is worth the upgrade. The jump between 1080p blu-ray to 4K blu-ray is supposed to be even better than the jump between VHS to DVD. And screen size means nothing, as I used to believe. The improvements are even noticeable on smaller sets.

So far my only experience with the 4K format is observing display models at Best Buy. I'm not sure what their source was, but I did compare LED to OLED. OLED is definitely a step above LED and I noticed amazing clarity on the OLED sets when I was only a few inches away from a 65" model. Once the prices on 65" OLED sets drop below $2000, then I'm in.

Idolores Sep 19, 2016 (edited Sep 19, 2016)

I refuse to buy a new console until they make one that can respond to me in a sexy robot voice every time I tell it to do something.

Jay Sep 20, 2016

Jodo Kast wrote:

The jump between 1080p blu-ray to 4K blu-ray is supposed to be even better than the jump between VHS to DVD. And screen size means nothing, as I used to believe.

This sounds highly unlikely. The jump from VHS to DVD was huge and involved much more than resolution. 1080p to 4K is a res bump and of course screen size is going to play a role, especially when it comes to televisions because we generally sit much further away from them than we would a computer monitor. There is no way that screen size could mean nothing at those distances. The pixel density changes on smaller screens at a significant distance would only make a difference as a placebo effect.

Jodo Kast Sep 20, 2016

Jay, I understand your skepticism, but High Dynamic Range (HDR) is another thing to consider. The difference between 1080p and 4K is not just about an increase in resolution, but also an increase in the colors.

Zorbfish Sep 20, 2016

I still can't decide what to get and sadly think I'm going to let the price choose for me. I can only cross my fingers at some point some retailer bundles a 4k player with the pro. I used my ps3 all the time to watch blurays; probably wouldn't have watched/rented movies without it.

avatar! Sep 20, 2016 (edited Sep 20, 2016)

Zorbfish wrote:

I still can't decide what to get and sadly think I'm going to let the price choose for me. I can only cross my fingers at some point some retailer bundles a 4k player with the pro. I used my ps3 all the time to watch blurays; probably wouldn't have watched/rented movies without it.

Well, looks like 4k TVs are about $400 for a 40-inch which sounds reasonable to me. Not cheap, but it's not bank blowing either.

Ashley Winchester Oct 23, 2016

Dumb question. I was at work and on the break-room TV there was a PS4 ad for Red Dead Redemption 2.

The ****ing game doesn't even come out until Fall 2017 and the ad stated a such. So why the **** would you air an add now?

Does the Scorpio has Sony quaking in their boots that badly? In all honesty that's the only reason I would think you would do this at this juncture.

However, the more I think about it, Sony probably should be worried. If they lose gaming they're screwed. Well, screwed more than they currently are.

Razakin Oct 24, 2016

The ad probably also stated that the game is coming for both PS4 and Xbox One.

And why do game companies air ads year or years before the game is out? To generate hype of course. (And pre-orders to satisfy Gamestop and other companies that sell games)

avatar! Oct 24, 2016

I don't think this is anything new. I remember games being advertised months or years in advance even back during the NES days. Generating hype is important, I suppose it's also harder to do these days with all the competition, so maybe get an early start?

Razakin Oct 24, 2016

Though, I don't think that game like Red Dead Redemption needs anymore hype than Rockstar just putting that teaser out and telling when the game is out. Literally can't wait to play it.

Ashley Winchester Jan 28, 2017

Dumb question here (I don't know anyone with a PS4 Pro) but I've been hearing the PS4 Pro was something of a bust. Is that the general consensus or am I just hearing from/about a small, collective group of detractors?

Can anyone give me their opinion if this upgrade is worth it?

raynebc Jan 29, 2017

If you already had a normal PS4, the pro may not be worth it unless you want the incremental improvements.  I went from last generation straight to PS4 Pro though because my room mate and I got a 4K TV right before hand.  If it will make my console gaming just a little bit better, then why not.

XLord007 Jan 29, 2017

PS4 Pro hasn't been given a compelling use case yet. It's the best version of the PS4, and if I didn't already have a PS4, that's the one I would buy, but for people who already have a PS4, the upgrade is very modest and offers little to no benefit unless you own a 4K TV, and even then the upgrade is fairly minor from what I've read. Sony has said there won't be any PS4 Pro exclusives, but history tells us that this will almost certainly become a lie over time. If not actual exclusives, there will almost certainly be effective exclusives, games that technically run on vanilla PS4s, but run very poorly (see Hyrule Warriors Legends on regular 3DS vs. New 3DS). I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

avatar! Jan 29, 2017

Isn't the VR only for the pro? Which makes all VR games PS4 pro exclusives?

Amazingu Jan 29, 2017

avatar! wrote:

Isn't the VR only for the pro? Which makes all VR games PS4 pro exclusives?

Nope, it works on all PS4 models. … tation-vr/

I don't have a Pro myself, but from everything I've heard, Xlord's comment is spot-on.
It's the better version of the PS4, but not so much better that it's worth double-dipping.
It seems to offer only incremental performance upgrades, and you're not likely to notice unless you're REALLY anal about super technical stuff.
People were hoping it would be capable of running games in 60fps that are only 30fps on PS4 vanilla, but so far that hasn't happened, I think.

avatar! Jan 29, 2017

Seems like it's the same case with Project Scorpio. I believe it won't have any exclusive games, or at any rate that's apparently the case -which means it's a more powerful version of the current Xbox. Of course, who the heck really knows? … nd-rumors/

XLord007 Feb 11, 2017

avatar! wrote:

Seems like it's the same case with Project Scorpio. I believe it won't have any exclusive games, or at any rate that's apparently the case -which means it's a more powerful version of the current Xbox. Of course, who the heck really knows?

The Scorpio is a bit different than the PS4 Pro in that there's a much bigger power differential. Where PS4 Pro is somewhat more powerful than a regular PS4, Scorpio is significantly more powerful than a regular Xbox One (and somewhat more powerful than PS4 Pro). Microsoft has said that there won't be Scorpio exclusives, but I find that very hard to believe. Everything I said above about that on PS4 Pro applies even more strongly here since MSFT is behind Sony and has more incentive to convince people to upgrade.

XLord007 Feb 11, 2017

Amazingu wrote:

People were hoping it would be capable of running games in 60fps that are only 30fps on PS4 vanilla, but so far that hasn't happened, I think.

Yeah, one of the reasons that doesn't work is because most games are coded to have a target framerate cap, and changing that requires a patch to the game itself, not just more powerful hardware. The new PS4 firmware that's being tested now has a mode that will allow unpatched PS4 games to run smoother up to their cap. So, if the target cap is 30fps and the game isn't great at consistently hitting that target, the new "Boost Mode" on PS4 Pro will allow the game to hit 30fps more often and provide a better experience. However, some games don't have locked framerates. These games may feel worse on Boost Mode since their framerates will bounce around a lot more which might be distracting. If that happens, you can always turn Boost mode off and stick with the experience that was optimized for a regular PS4.

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