Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

    Pages: 1

the_miker Nov 28, 2006

Truly awesome.

I am so stealing that from you. smile


Carl Nov 29, 2006 (edited Nov 29, 2006)

Nice indeed.

What I would like to try with painting someday (if I was any good at it) would be to make VGM visual-image paintings, associated with particular songs/tracks...   

Not simply using characters or images from the game which the song comes from, but rather to paint whatever imagery & feelings that listening to an OST track gives your imagination...

(Sort of like Disney's Fantasia for VGM)

Schala Nov 29, 2006

Wow, geat work! I especially like the style it was done in...kind of captures the fantastical, ethereal quality of the game.

Qui-Gon Joe Nov 29, 2006

Yeah, that is absolutely stunning.  Would love to have something like that in my gaming room!

Nick G Nov 30, 2006

Wow!! Beautifully done! It's not the the colossus I would've chosen to have painted but that's just because it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to get on top of it! I tried endlessly to climb the surrounding rock formations... painful memory smile

Shinobin Nov 30, 2006

Very cool painting, I especially like Wander and his horse. 

They had this book at Urban Outfitters a while ago, and while I was tempted to buy one, being a poor college student told me otherwise.  I looked through it though, and it had some pretty cool stuff. … 0811853195

Zane Nov 30, 2006

Thanks for the compliments, everyone. My friend is pleased with the positive reaction from the painting. smile

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