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vert1 May 5, 2012 (edited May 31, 2014)

Tokyo Jungle
Publisher: Sony
Developer: PlayStation CAMP, Crispy's
Platform: PlayStation 3
Genre: Survival Action
Origin: Japan
Release: Jun 7, 2012

The game is mission based, you must play the role of different animals like Pomeranian dog and Throughbred horse, trying to survive in Tokyo city after mankind's disappearance, while avoid attacks from stronger animals.


Looks cool. Like a modern less wacky version of Cubivore.

Raziel May 6, 2012

I heard about this a while ago, and frankly, I don't even care how well executed it is because the idea is already so amazing.

Pellasos May 6, 2012

i've been following it. looks crazy enough, so i will probably buy.

XLord007 May 6, 2012

Yes, I've also been following this since it was announced. Looks very interesting. Hopefully some enterprising publisher will pick it up for a U.S. release.

vert1 Aug 21, 2012

Sony announced the animal survival adventure game Tokyo Jungle will be coming to North America on Sep 25 for a budget price of US$14.99.


Technique Aug 30, 2012

Seems to follow the HD generation symptom of budget game ---> budget quality. I know there's (a few) good downloadable games out there, but this doesn't look like one of them.

I'll reserve my complete judgment until the title is released, but for now I don't have any high hopes. What little is shown of the combat system (why show so little?), especially in its hit boxes, looks extremely primitive for a brawler, even with the variety of animals you can control. Now maybe things may get interesting with multiple enemies, but it only shows one-on-one combat, which doesn't look like it can amount to much. Other than that, the actual footage of the game, as far as I had watched, only showed a single one-hit-kill attack. Now that may be the start of the game, but it's hard to see any potential in it at all.

And the doggie-on-doggie doggy-style clip? Am I the only one that saw that?

XLord007 Sep 6, 2012

Yeah, most of the impressions of the Japanese version said that it was just "ok" and that you hit a wall late in the game that requires you to grind in order to get an upgraded animal to get past. Fortunately, the U.S. release is only a $20 download, so I think it's worth it to show support for crazy stuff like this.

avatar! Nov 30, 2013 (edited Nov 30, 2013)

Sony released a "Best of Playstation Network" a few months ago which seems to have gone under the radar for the most part. It was on sale for $20 on amazon, and since I like these compilations I figured why not. It includes Tokyo Jungle. I played Tokyo Jungle. Tokyo Jungle is amazing. It's not perfect, but it really is a unique game and I have not played anything like it before. Sure, the graphics and music are nothing special, but it's amazingly addictive and difficult. It has a storyline which I think could have been implemented better, but despite some drawbacks, this is one of the most memorable games I have seen recently. It's also a "quick" game, since your goal is simply to survive, and there is no "end" to the game (although my goal is to unlock the entire story-mode and find out what happened). Frankly, it's also nice that there are no humans! In fact, there are way too humans on this planet, but perhaps that's better left for a different discussion.

XLord007 Dec 1, 2013

I had a lot of trouble getting into it. It's really hard in the beginning and I'm not a huge fan of games that make you play the same parts over and over again for mastery. In that sense, I guess it's a bit too old school for me. I still like the idea, and I don't regret buying it, but I don't have the patience to become really good at it.

Qui-Gon Joe Dec 1, 2013

I'm pretty firmly in the category of being glad I bought it to support something different but not really enjoying it.  It felt grindy and just... not particularly fun.

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