XLord007 Jan 19, 2006
I don't really have whole lot to say at the moment, but it's good to see gaming separate from the rest of the open forum now.
I don't really have whole lot to say at the moment, but it's good to see gaming separate from the rest of the open forum now.
I agree.
I just finished Wild Arms 4 last night and right now Im working on playing Mega Man X Collection on PS2 and Chain of Memories on GBA in anticipation of KH 2.
I've been making my way through the X Collection, too. I finished X with everything (Hadoken? Check.), and now I'm grazing the surface of X2. The games really helped my appreciation of the music; I used to enjoy X2's soundtrack, but now I can't get enough of it.
Next: Ape Escape 3.
I finished mgs acid today - next is killer 7.
next is killer 7.
Dude, rock! I loved this game, even if it got a little too A-to-B for its own good. Try wrapping your head around the plot.
Oh well, Im playing Metroid Prime 2 now. Obviously a great game, but I miss the fascinating and haunting ambient atmosphere of both Prime 1 and Super Metroid. The score is a big dissapointment for me (save for a few levels), and that really takes away a good deal of the experience. Im also not so big on the dark world. Ofcourse the fact that the feeling of brandnewness is not there playes a role too....wow, lots of minus points came out while typing. Still solid though.
Ace Combat 5 and Atelier Iris (still) for me. Also decided to give Simcity 4 a go...Figure I might as well put my Geography degree to good use, as it hasn't made me any money yet. Amazing how much more detail-oriented the game is from the last one I played (the SNES Simcity).
As soon as I finish Atelier, I've seen enough about Wild Arms 4 to give it a go. The soundtrack's gotten my soft side, now that I'm starting to like the non-Naruke tracks (originally, I was turned off by Masato Kouda's failed attempts at relaxing and dark themes, which were the epitome of boredom and I shelved the OST earlier than I should have...)
And I'm bummed about Megaman X Collection...In order to unlock Battle and Chase, I have to *cringe* finish X3. Am I the only one who finds the bosses in this game just a TAD overpowered? Like, moreso than any game in the series? And last time I remembered, I entered a stage with an obvious dead-end (I didn't have the right item or something...I think it was Scissors Shrimper's level.)
Ace Combat 5 and Atelier Iris (still) for me. Also decided to give Simcity 4 a go...Figure I might as well put my Geography degree to good use, as it hasn't made me any money yet. Amazing how much more detail-oriented the game is from the last one I played (the SNES Simcity).
As soon as I finish Atelier, I've seen enough about Wild Arms 4 to give it a go. The soundtrack's gotten my soft side, now that I'm starting to like the non-Naruke tracks (originally, I was turned off by Masato Kouda's failed attempts at relaxing and dark themes, which were the epitome of boredom and I shelved the OST earlier than I should have...)
And I'm bummed about Megaman X Collection...In order to unlock Battle and Chase, I have to *cringe* finish X3. Am I the only one who finds the bosses in this game just a TAD overpowered? Like, moreso than any game in the series? And last time I remembered, I entered a stage with an obvious dead-end (I didn't have the right item or something...I think it was Scissors Shrimper's level.)
I never could beat the last boss in Atelier. Also, I just finished X3 as well and it definelty has the hardest version of Sigma in it. Battle and Chase isnt as good as I had hoped it would be but the music is nice.
And I am bummed about X Collection too. I never knew that X5 and 6 sucked so bad (flames, here I am.) X1 and 2 are fine and dandy, but I've played them 8000 times. X3 is nice, since we got the elusive PSX/Saturn version. You know the Saturn edition goes on sale for $50-80 sometimes? Yeah.
But X4 rocks. It just feels so much higher quality then the later Xs. Better graphics, better stages, WAY better music. X6's music is heinous. What happened?
All I know about X6 is I was playing a level (Metal Shark Player's stage) with a moving ceiling and I died when I stood up into it from a ducking position. There weren't even spikes on the ceiling! I died from bumping my head on the ceiling! That, and I must've tried about 3 blind jumps in another level, where the camera should've been zoomed into where I was going. And then there was that...thing at the start of the Flame stage. I'd heard this game wasn't that good, but...Well, the people who said it were right. I liked some of the music, but it's inconsistant.
I finished X5 sometime last year and I found it far more playable, even fun (most of the time). I'd probably tag both it and X4 as my co-favorites in the series. Sigma was a bitch, until I worked out a pattern to handle him. And the Quickman tribute level was a cool throwback. I might try beating it with Zero in the Collection, since I did it with X before. That's gonna be a pain...
I was thinking of getting Mega Man X Collection, but the complete lack of extra's was too much of a disappointment, since I already own all the separate games anyway.
At the moment I'm also playing Killer 7 (and loving it!) and Grandia III, which is looking far too good for a Grandia game.
All I know about X6 is I was playing a level (Metal Shark Player's stage) with a moving ceiling and I died when I stood up into it from a ducking position. There weren't even spikes on the ceiling! I died from bumping my head on the ceiling! That, and I must've tried about 3 blind jumps in another level, where the camera should've been zoomed into where I was going. And then there was that...thing at the start of the Flame stage. I'd heard this game wasn't that good, but...Well, the people who said it were right..
I heard the same thing about X6... lots and lots of cheap deaths and blind jumps throughout the entire game. I've only played the intro level, but I'm really not looking forward to playing the entire game after I beat the first 5 in the collection.
At the moment I'm also playing Killer 7 (and loving it!)
I love hearing people praise k7. It was one of my favorite games of '05... there's really nothing else like it out there.
-World of Warcraft still eats nearly all of my spare time. My guild is at Nefarian now, and I'm confident we'll drop him before Ahn'Qiraj is opened.
-I've suddenly lost all interest in Soul Calibur III. I have yet to fight Night Terror and unlock Olcadan, and I really wanted to do both. But I can't even force myself to play anymore. Ah well... Lizardman still owns, and the soundtrack's still good (love that new Path of Destiny).
-I think I've been bitten by the Street Fighter bug again, and I may have to get back on Live for some lagged-out CvS2 matches. I have Capcom Fighting Jamolution also, but it seems no one's playing it nowadays.
So... yeah.
Ape Escape 3 here, of course. The game is largely enjoyable, as expected, but they did remove one crucial technique that's sorely missing from Ape Escape 2 -- and that's the ability to do the flying foward leap. This was done by pressing the R1 and R2 buttons while running; now, pressing the same two buttons brings up the new morph menu screen. Unless I'm doing something wrong, it looks like the move was taken out completely.
The morph system itself is quite cool, although some outfits are inherently more useful than others. You'll use the fantasy knight for a good part early on, simply because the monkeys seem far more resilient to the stun club now, and the knight's more powerful strength knocks them out in a hurry. The wild west costume is fairly useless, save for one boss battle and one or two parts in the level itself. However, once you get the Ninja outfit, it's all over; double the running speed, doppleganger summon attacking, a Flying Squirrel float technique, the ability to wall-run, and a long distance attack shot to catch monkeys in a pinch. Wicked.
There are framerate issues, sadly, and it doesn't stay nearly as consistent to the 60fps that AE2 boasted. On the other hand, the graphics are bright and vibrant, and definitely a step up from the last game. Music is excellent, and composer Soichi Terada stays a bit closer to the fun and dynamic stylings of Koji Hayama's AE2. The boss battles against the FM5 are again innovative, and they make for a nice break from the usual search/target/capture nature of the rest of the game.
I can't wait to unlock Mesal Gear Solid. The manual states that there's a "Metal Gear Solid Main Theme" mix, done up by Masato Koda; I'm dying to hear it! It's just too bad they couldn't get David Hayter or Paul Eiding to do Snake and Campbell respectively; I wonder how Peter Lurie and Michael McColl will sound?
I'm currently replaying We Love Katamari and the original Zelda. Whipped through the first 7 levels in quest 1 before taking a break due to work thingies. Only reason I'm replaying these games is because I can't devote much time to FF10 at the moment. But rolling up weird objects in a 5-minute timespan is a good way to pass small amounts of time. Unless of course you're playing the second-to-the-last stage, in which 45 minutes can go by just like *that*. Hehe.