Ryu wrote:Speaking of the Wii, I'm assuming Nintendo's curbing most ports now, Angela. Perhaps you'll be able to at least get it on the Wii Virtual Console?
Yeah, I'd imagine we'll be seeing little to no more ports, with the advent of the Virtual Console. I'm all for the VC, of course, but there's just something with having those older, classic games on a portable.
All told, I'm pretty satisfied with the ports we did receive throughout the GBA's lifespan. I'm glad we got the four Super Mario Advance titles, as well as A Link To The Past, the three Donkey Kong Countries, Legend of The Mystical Ninja (and Ganbare Goemon 2, to boot!) the Magical Quest games, Aladdin, Rock 'n Roll Racing -- as well as the Final Fantasy Advance games. Still, I would've loved to see Castlevania IV, the TMNT arcade titles, Mega Man X, Front Mission, Chrono Trigger, and Super Punchout. Would've been neat to see releases of the original Mike Tyson's Punchout and Contra as NES Classics, too.
I'm looking forward to Metal Slug, though -- and perhaps even the original Sonic The Hedgehog.
shdwrlm3 wrote:More on topic, I'm still waiting on a price drop for the DS Lite, so FFV is the only game I'm likely to get from the list. It's the only game from IV-X that I haven't played yet, so I'm very interested in seeing what the hoopla is all about.
I dunno, I'm not seeing a price drop for the Lite anytime soon -- not with the major success in sales it's enjoying. Dude, delay that next DM-related order, and go for broke! (By the way, finally picked up Misa Code..... it's JAM PACKED with awesomeness. ^_^)
Final Fantasy 5 is..... people don't necessarily come to it for the story, but for its insanely fun stats/customization and job system. The playability is wonderful, the longevity satisfying; FF6 will be great to have, but it's FF5 that's going to make me most happiest whenever I switch on that GBA to play.