Zane Sep 28, 2006
It looks like the thread I started a week ago had some positive responses, so I figured I'd get the next letter in sequence going and see how things pan out.
Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter Original Soundtrack
I've always been a fan of Sakimoto's depth and compositional style, but BOFV hit me in a way that his other works have failed to do... and, still, anything he has put out hasn't been as enjoyable for me to listen to as BOFV. FFT and Vagrant Story are both great listens, but the electronic elements and slight change in style really rocketed this album to the top of my Sakimoto list. The only other Sakimoto work that comes close to BOFV for me is Gradius V... I can already hear some of you grating your teeth. Personal preference is all; I just prefer electronic-influenced sound more than orchestral and moody symphonic stuff.
"Ranger Base" is the first tune that really cements what BOFV is all about, to me: great progression, a very interesting way of infusing some electronic elements into the Sakimoto mold, and warm melody transposed over the intricate and constantly shifting background. "Lift" is like this too. It's intense. Other awesome tunes that are slightly interesting are "The Middle Layer Area" and "Electricity Supply Plant", because they have a real beautiful and almost new-age vibe to them. The variety in Sakimoto's style and the great composition pushes this right to the top of my B List.
As far as honorable mentions go, I'll nominate beatmania IIDX 11 -RED-... partly because it's a great techno/trance album, but also because it's a damn good guilty pleasure.