Zane Oct 3, 2006 (edited Oct 3, 2006)
Um. Wow. This is one of those albums I picked up a while ago, spun a bunch of times and then let settle into the depths of my iTunes music library. I knew it was good, but never really took the time to realize just how much.
I've rediscovered it over the past day or two, and hot damn! This is my favorite Yack work, by far. It has a perfect blend of light-hearted themes, wacky progressive fusion, off-tempo guitar work, catchy melodies... it just keeps on giving and giving and giving. I can see hints of his other works in here (Majokko de GOGO and some Border Down, especially), but I prefer Senko over his other CDs. Great stuff, here.
EDIT: And also, the CD itself is awesome. It has a sweet design on it and the disc is almost see-through. It's really bizarre. Typical Yack for you.