oddigy Oct 26, 2006
Sure, it's on the DS, but... geez, there are throwbacks to Tales of Destiny, it sounds like he's using a lot of samples from the Star Ocean (SFC) soundset... there's even a bit of homage to a town theme in Valkyrie Profile 2.
Here are a few samples I've hax0red up so far, including what I thought was the VP2 similarity (621), some battle themes (200, 203), and a couple other tunes I thought were neat.
Is there going to be a CD release for this?
I'll record the rest once we get this sample clicking problem figured out, heh.
Also, yes, I added the reverb. I felt it was appropriate. :P
I also really badly want to try recording some of these with more "real" instruments. As usual, I'll report back here if I have any success with that.
cheers. :D