XLord007 Aug 20, 2007
Well, I took the plunge and got the TV. Other than the size (a bit too big for my space), I'm liking it quite a bit. At first, I was having a problem getting PS2 and Wii games to look halfway decent, but then I knocked the Sharpness down to -6 and that smoothed things out pretty well (it makes the Wii menus a touch blurry, but polygonal games look much nicer than without it). With my modified version of the Game A/V mode in place on most of the inputs, I'm not noticing any difference in performance between the Component inputs on the side and the ones on the back.
480i stuff still looks like ass, especially analog TV, but Metroid II actually looked OK on the SGB, if somewhat pixelated. Super Mario Kart looked awful, though. I haven't tried the PS1, XB, or DC yet, but I did put the TV through its paces with 60fps Widescreen 480p F-Zero GX (on the Wii, I haven't had time to ebay NGC Component cables yet). I was really afraid the LCD wouldn't be able to keep up, but it did very well. The game looks absolutely fantastic on this set. There were only a few times where I thought I caught a glimpse of noticeable blur. Ironically, I did notice some blur in the static backgrounds of the much slower Super Paper Mario. Makes no sense to me why the slow game shows blur and the fast game looks amazing, but whatever.
I don't own any HD-capable game systems, so I can't speak for HD gaming, but I found some HDTV stations hiding on my cable line, and they look pretty darn nice, though I could see a lot of artifacting on last night's Sunday Night Football broadcast. I'm wondering if this is related to it being live since ABC HD had none of this though it seemed to be too red for its own good. I'm still tweaking the color, contrast, and tint stuff to try to find a happy medium that works well for the core digital channels so I don't have to constantly tweak everytime I change channels.