Angela Nov 1, 2006
Two tiers of upcoming games this month. The first tier lumps together all the games I've been waiting for the most - it's either a blessing or a financial curse that they all should land on the same day: Elite Beat Agents, Final Fantasy V Advance, and Guitar Hero II. From there, we launch into the second tier with Yoshi's Island DS, Final Fantasy III, Capcom Classics Collection Vol 2, and Metal Slug Anthology - again, all out on the same day.
For DVDs, it's Pixar's Cars, and for soundtracks, The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers Complete Recordings.
I'm still on the fence with the Wii. I'm certainly going to wait on the PS3, and am not likely to pick one up until MGS4 comes about, but the early adopter in me is squealing for the Wii. The more sensible side, however, is telling me to wait on my self-imposed five must-play games rule. By next year, that would be: Twilight Princess, Wario Ware Smooth Moves, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, and Metroid Prime 3. Besides which, I may have to scale back for a while since buying my new TV.