Zane Nov 1, 2006
It would be nice if people were more detailed in this thread instead of just listing their favorite soundtracks. Sure, it's cool that you like those twelve soundtracks, but why? Share some of the weath, everyone.
On to my picks:
Final Fantasy X
I'm not a huge fan of Uematsu's tracks (although "Calm Before the Storm" is awesome), and there are too many summoning songs throughout the discs, but Hamauzu and Nakano absolutely tore this album up. I'm a big fan of Hamauzu and Nakano regardless, but nothing else that they've done separately or collectively has had an impact on me like their work on FFX. From the crazy electronic layers of "Blitz Off" to the intense ambience of "Deep Sea Ruins" and the awesome final battle tunes... it just doesn't quit. Even the Hama/Uematsu collaboration of "Spiran Scenery" works wonders; I can't stand "Suteki da ne", but the melody line is interwoven so smoothly and effectively in this song that it's impossible to not like. "Luca" is my favorite town theme ever (EVAR), and "Challenge" gets me pumped up like no other Hamauzu song can.
But, yeah. FFX is awesome, despite the Uematsu-filler and the occasional spotty track. I'm a little disappointed that a couple of Hamauzu tunes didn't make the final cut, but what's here is fantastic. I even have a "Real FFX" playlist on my iPod that shanks most of Uematsu's tunes and delivers the Hama/Naka assault as it should have been on the OST. FFX is definitely my favorite Final Fantasy soundtrack to date, no questions, and something is telling me that it will never be superseded in the future. A+ yo, A+.
Honorable mention goes to my man kt2 with his lesser known For you... from here the edge album. It's short, only about 30 minutes with six tunes (including one remix), but he really lays down his depressing yet surprisingly uplifting new-age style with his usually effective backbeats. Once the album hits "tower" the CD takes an emotional turn, layering soft harmonics over some awesome synth swells. It's intense, for sure, and was worth the trouble and cash to hunt this sweet little treat down. Just like all of kt2's work, this comes highly recommended. I can't even picture my VGM collection without his albums, and "from here the edge" is riding high at the top of my favorites right now - both in general and within kt2's small but awesome catalog.