DreamerNL Nov 5, 2006
I'm kinda stuck in the perfect selection scene from years ago...did they do any new good stuff? Like 2000 and beyond?
I'm kinda stuck in the perfect selection scene from years ago...did they do any new good stuff? Like 2000 and beyond?
I was wondering this myself. I'd give anything for new Pro-Fusion, Perfect Selection or Battle albums. Has that era just well and truly passed?
I couldn't give you an exact date, but both forms of Kukeiha Club (sound team and band) dissolved.
Konami's pretty much been a non-factor recently in regards to arranges. Though, there is this:
Anyone's guess as to what it is though and who/what will be on it.
I think that era is living on through the current doujin scene, which is largely inspired by the old Konami albums of yore...Mintjam's jazz-fusion/pop-rock style should immediately remind people of the old Kukeiha Club on top of their game and there's been a large number of rock arranges as well.
Search around on VGMCentral for the good stuff...There's a ton of it out there that's been unearthed over the last couple years.
Maybe this Gradius Tribute will put Furukawa back on the scene - an hopefully away from soloist work.
Furukawa? You really want more of his work these days?
His recent arrangements don't sound as punchy as they used to (probably due to the use of less live instruments). And while his performance on arranged parts is still OK, his "single solo" makes him sound quite much uninspired, imo.
(as it has been said before, yes )
Man, I spelled Kukeiha wrong again grrrrr.
Thanks for the replies, I'll take a look in vgmc.
Konami's pretty much been a non-factor recently in regards to arranges. Though, there is this:
Anyone's guess as to what it is though and who/what will be on it.
I think that era is living on through the current doujin scene, which is largely inspired by the old Konami albums of yore...Mintjam's jazz-fusion/pop-rock style should immediately remind people of the old Kukeiha Club on top of their game and there's been a large number of rock arranges as well.
Search around on VGMCentral for the good stuff...There's a ton of it out there that's been unearthed over the last couple years.
That's funny, I really don't hear some Kukeiha in MintJam. They really sound like a 21st century band, to me, while Kukeiha had that typical 80/90ies arcade sound.
I do agree on some other doujins, though. Some of those really sound like MIDI Pro albums.
Dunno...Poteneko Academy and parts of their Ragnarok Online arrange album just scream Kukeiha Club to me. But you're right, now that I take a listen to some of their other stuff (the "Gigs", most notably). Especially their rock tracks...VERY un-Kukeiha Club like (or even very un-Konami Battle-like...In a good way though, without taking away from either). Maybe Nazo Nazo? Mintjam is a bit too diverse to say ALL of their stuff is attributed to old Kukeiha Club, but I hear it in most of their keyboard-driven stuff (as opposed to their rock).
Ah yeah I actually agree more on the Poteneko thing. It's rarely the first one that pops in my mind first when MintJam is mentioned. =p
When we are saying Kukeiha Club do we mean Konami Kukeiha Club (Konami Sound Team) or Kukeiha Club (Furukawa's original and arrange band)?