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GoldfishX Nov 28, 2006

Even with a strong December coming up, figure now's a good time to bring this up...

This is the 2006 "Memorial" custom CD I'm working on (no more than 2 per album...Not QUITE less than 80 minutes, but close* and and I can cut it down later).

Desire and Commandments (Atelier Iris Grand Fantasm)
Rain of Blossoms (Atelier Iris Grand Fantasm)
Red Lucifer Rising (Atelier Iris 2 Arranged)
Slasher Blue (Atelier Iris 2 Arranged)
Zero (Ace Combat Zero)
Mayhem (Ace Combat Zero)
Basic Training (Front Mission 5)
Lock and Load II (Front Mission 5)
Brilliant Show Window (ZX Tunes)
En-trance (ZX Tunes)
Fate of the Fairies (Legend of Heroes VI SC OST)
White Lie in Black (Xanadu Next OST)
The Student Council Is Very Busy (Yogurting OST)
Battle vs Toka and Ge (Wild Arms Rocking Heart)
Battle vs Lord Blazer (Wild Arms Rocking Heart)
Eight Melodies (Jesus is Dead - Jailbreak)
Motion of Finishing Blow (Valkyrie Profile 2)
Indescribable Grief (VP2)
finish the promise (Tales of the Abyss)
Everlasting Fight (Tales of the Abyss)
Last Story (PSU)
Contamination -Fire- (PSU)
Rettsu Apricot Taisou (Galaxy Angel II)
joker (King of Fighters XI)
Anti Song (King of Fighters XI)
Wind of Phantom (Suikoden V)
Overcoming the Grief (Suikoden V)
Way Back that Was Shut (Under Defeat)
Showtime (Ibara)
Boss -Enraged- (Tobi Tsukihime)

*okay, I lied...I'm nowhere near close. Too many 5-7 minute tracks in there.

So, uh, your memorable 2006 indivudual pieces...GO!

Jay Nov 28, 2006

Well I don't know if it counts as it's not on an OST yet and, though it was composed for a game, it blurs those lines but Lumines 2's 'Heavenly Star' gets my 'track of the year' vote so far.

Smeg Nov 28, 2006

Valkyrie Profile 2 without Disturb the Doubtful Sleep? Nonsense.

GoldfishX Nov 28, 2006

I blame that solely on my ingame progress...DtDS was my favorite on the initial listen, but those two I listed grew on me like crazy ingame, as I was getting the hang of the battle system.

Zane Nov 28, 2006

There are a lot of tracks that I'd consider some of the "best" from 2006, but for brevity's sake I'm just going to nominate the stellar 34:14 long track that's on the RIDGE RACERS 2 Special Megamix album. Take a whole bunch of awesome tunes from the original RIDGE RACERS CD and have Hiroshi Okubo throw them together in a really sweet club-style megamix? Yup. Awesome idea.

Ramza Nov 28, 2006

I like your love of Atelier Iris GF, but where is the *best* vocal track Atelier has seen yet: Lorelei?

Man I love that song.


SonicPanda Nov 29, 2006

I'll add more later when I go through some that I've been meaning to, but I'll say now it's going to take one double damned hell of a track to beat out Trap Factory (ZX Tunes) for my Best Piece of 2006 vote.

Cedille Nov 29, 2006

No contest. "ZERO" from ACE COMBAT ZERO.
The game rip version is much better IMO since the chorus, guitar solo and jaleo of the OST version are 'too clear' for me. There are still my fav pieces in this year, but I dare to mention just one piece.

Nemo Nov 29, 2006

"Hari-Hara" - DDS Avatar Tuner
"Rose of Zeal" - Ibara
"Days II" - Lost Child Infinia
"Dancing Schala" - Le Cercueil Du Reve
"Still Raining" - Lost Vampire Killer
"Huge Dead End" - Under Defeat Arrange
"Windward Birds" - Wild Arms Rocking Heart
"Junk Modulation + One Error Begets Another" - Valkyrie Profile II Arrange

SonicPanda Jan 7, 2007

Thread revived because I finalized my Top 20 for 2006:

Ace Combat Zero
The Round Table

Ape Escape 3
Monkey Blue Face Off

Blue Dragon
Bad But Bat
Dragon Fight

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Hail From the Past

Final Fantasy XII
The Royal City of Rabanastre

Kingdom Hearts II
Sinister Shadows
The 13th Struggle

Magical Trick Society: Cadenza
Investigation ~ Cornered (Variation)

New Super Mario Bros.
Fun at the Beach
Main Boss Castle
Walking the Plains

Sonic Next
Radical Train - The Chase
Soleanna New City
White Acropolis - The Base

Super Princess Peach
Fury Volcano
Wave Beach

ZX Tunes
Sky High ~Grand Nuage~
Trap Factory

All told, a good year.

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